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  • LIU Zhihao1,GAO Qinhe1,LIU Zhun1, WANG Xu1
    Abstract (335) PDF (21096)   Knowledge map   Save
    The experimental modal analysis, dynamic modeling and structural parameter identification were employed to research the inplane vibration modes of heavyloaded radial tires with larger flat ratio. The coupled characteristics of flexible tread, distributed sidewall element and rim were investigated by means of the experimental modal analysis. Taking the bending and inflation features of the flexible tread and the inertial force and sectional spring of the sidewall into consideration, the coupled kinematics of flexible tread, distributed sidewall element and rim was modeled. The inplane coupled analytical modal frequency was derived. The structural parameters identification was implemented and the higher order modal frequenies were predicted with the analytic method. The results show that: the flexible tread vibrates in the same/opposite direction with the distributed sidewall within 0-180 Hz and 180-300 Hz respectively ; the modal analysis and kinetics modeling in consideration of the coupled features of flexible tread, distributed sidewall element and rim can accurately characterize the inplane vibration features of heavy loaded tires within the frequency band of 300 Hz. 
  • SUN Yunyun, XIAO Huifang, XU Jinwu
    Abstract (324) PDF (14027)   Knowledge map   Save
    The surface topography of the rolling interface can change the interface dynamics,and influences the dynamic response of a rolling mill system.Considering the roughness of the rolling interface,the nonlinear dynamic model of the rolling mill system was established.The nonlinear stiffness and natural frequency characteristics of the rolling system with different rough surface topography were calculated and compared with the traditional rolling mill model using Duffing oscillator to describe the interface stiffness.The main resonance amplitude-frequency characteristics of the rolling mill system were solved by using the method of multiple scales,and the expression of the jump frequency and the corresponding amplitude of the forced vibration response were derived.The influence of the rolling surface roughness,excitation load,nonlinear stiffness ratio and damping on the dynamic response characteristics of the rolling mill was analyzed.The results provide theoretical reference for suppressing rolling mill vibration.
  • TAO Ran1,2,XU Youcai2,HE Jie2,3,LU Yunbo2,3,QIAO Wangzhi2,3,YANG Chunyu2,3,ZHANG Junnan2,3,LI Jun2,WANG Hua1
    Abstract (494) PDF (12285)   Knowledge map   Save
    Aiming at the phenomenon of mode mixing in the extraction of fault information from the vibration signal of a high speed elevator rolling guide shoe,by the method of singular value decomposition (SVD) optimizing local mean decomposition (LMD), a feature extraction method based on self-adaptive sharpening wavelet decomposition (SSWD) optimizing LMD was proposed.First of all, the low pass filter, high pass filter, wavelet basis function and scale function were constructed.The original signal was decomposed into a high-frequency detailed feature signal and a low-frequency approximate signal by the multi-resolution filtering characteristics of wavelet decomposition (WD).Then, signal enhancement was done on the high frequency detailed feature components, and the enhanced high frequency detailed characteristic signal and the low frequency approximate signal were reconstructed.Finally, the LMD method was used to extract the fault features’ PF component of the rolling guide shoe from the reconstructed signals.The instantaneous Teager energy waveform of the PF component was obtained for comparative analysis.Through the actual working condition signal processing and analysing, the experimental results show that, compared with the SVD optimizing LMD method, the method completely extracts the fault characteristic components of the vibration signal of the rolling guide shoe, and avoids the phenomenon of modal confusion.
  • ZHONG Ming-shou1, LONG Yuan1, LIU Ying1, LU Liang2, LIU Jian-feng1, JI Chong1
    Abstract (322) PDF (10252)   Knowledge map   Save
    The collapse vibration performance laws of city viaduct to metro tunnel were obtained by using ANSYS/LS-DYNA software. The calculation model of collapse bridge impact to the underground tunnel of the city was established. Dynamic response of metro tunnel including three-direction vibration velocity and stress process of typical units was also obtained by comparison different conditions. The results show that as a main form of composite protective structure consists of Steel Plate-Rubber Tires system can make maximum of metro tunnel vibration velocity, compressive stress and tensile stress were decreased by 98.7%、95.6% and 94.4% compared with the absence of protective measures. It has shown excellent agreement between measured data and simulation results. Metro tunnel borne vibration speed is lower than the administration proposed safety threshold requirement and the design of comprehensive protection system achieved the expected result.
  • YU Yuanlin1 2, YANG Yi1, LIU Fujun3, SHI Biqing1, XIE Zhuangning1
    Abstract (401) PDF (10021)   Knowledge map   Save
    Here, 528 m high Nanning Wuxiang ASEAN Tower was taken as an engineering example, a new turbulent inflow generator named the narrowband synthetic random flow generator (NSRFG) was used to do the large eddy simulation (LES) for its wind-induced vibration response.Its base loads and displacement responses were calculated.The numerical wind tunnel’s simulation results were compared with those of the HFFB wind tunnel tests, and the effectiveness and correctness of NSRFG were verified.The results showed that the base bending moment power spectra simulation results in downwind and crosswind directions agree well with those of the wind tunnel tests, but the simulation results in torsional direction have a certain gap compared with the wind tunnel test ones; for the tower’s wind-induced vibration responses, the numerical simulation results in downwind direction agree well with the wind tunnel test ones, but the simulation results in crosswind and torsional directions are a little smaller; in across-wind direction, the predicted value for the vortex shedding frequency of the tower model with NSRFG was close to the wind tunnel test one.The study results provided a valuable reference for structural design.

  • 论文
    CHEN Haiwei ZHANG Qiuju SU Gaofeng
    . 2009, 28(4): 188-193.
    Abstract (3232) PDF (9730)   Knowledge map   Save
    This paper details pendulum characteristic linked with a vertical automatic washing machine. At first, a non-linear mode provided in [2] is linearized at its static equilibrium position and ingredients of its Jacobian matrix are analyzed. Second, the pendulum mode born with the machine is obtained by an eigensolution, and factors contribute to this mode are discussed. Third, relationships between the pendulum mode and a damp coefficient in the suspenders are found based on simulation results and pendulum characteristics are analyzed. The existence of the critical damp coefficient is discussed based on energy, factors affect it are then considered. Fourth, the bisection method is employed to determine the critical damp coefficient in a particular washing machine; relationships between the damp coefficient and radius of unbalance under different rotation speed are then fitted by several second order polynomials. The existence of the critical damp coefficient is supported through experiment and effect of the hydraulic balancer is finally discussed.
  • 论文
    LiLin Zhang Yongxiang Ming Tingtao
    . 2009, 28(4): 145-148.
    Abstract (1603) PDF (8284)   Knowledge map   Save
    Three different conditions of a gear, normal condition, crack in root of tooth, broken-tooth, are diagnosed by calculating the correlation dimension in the fractal theory. In order to weaken the effect of the noise on the precision of calculating , a new approach to filter based on EMD is put forward to pre-conduct the signal sampled. Through experiment with a gear box, this method is proved to be feasible and valid.
  • QIU Chengqun1, SHEN Yujie2,3, SHI Dehua3
    Abstract (286) PDF (8135)   Knowledge map   Save
    There are many mechanical elements in the vehicle suspension system which employing the three types elements, namely, the inerter, the spring and the damper, and it cannot be easily applied to the automotive engineering. Due to this problem, a parameter optimization design method of the vehicle mechatronic suspension is proposed in this paper based on the electromechanical similarity theory. On the basis of the dynamic model of a half car model with four freedom degrees of vehicle mechatronic suspension considering the vertical motion and the pitch motion during the driving process of the vehicle, this paper explores the improvements of the new vehicle mechatronic suspension employing mechatronic inerter on the dynamic performance of the vehicle. In terms of the multi parameters and multi constraints optimization problem, the improved particle swarm optimization algorithm is used to optimize the main parameters of three different modes of vehicle mechatronic suspension by considering the positive real of transfer function and the dynamic performance constraints of the suspension, and the mechatronic inerter and the external electric network are used to realize the network passively. Numerical simulations showed that, under the single objective optimized condition, the RMS of vehicle body acceleration and pitch angular acceleration of the new vehicle mechatronic suspension are reduced by 26.5% and 18.3% respectively, and they can decrease by 15.5% and 11.4% simultaneously when taken the two objectives into consideration. The dynamic vibration isolation performance of the proposed vehicle mechatronic suspension is significantly improved compared with the traditional passive suspension, which provides a new idea for the suspension design method.
  • ZHAO Jiangang1, NING Jing1,2, NING Yunzhi1, CHEN Chunjun1, LI Yanping1
    Abstract (345) PDF (8048)   Knowledge map   Save
    A large number of signals collected by mechanical equipment monitoring system are usually nonlinear signals with multiple natural oscillation modes, so the single-scale feature extraction can’t characterize these nonlinear signals. For high dimensional feature matrix, its main lower dimensional features need to be further extracted. Here, to solve these two problems, a nonlinear feature extraction method combining multiscale permutation entropy and linear local tangent space alignment (MPE-LLTSA) was proposed. Firstly, signals were calculated using MPE to obtain multi-scale features with high dimensions. Then, LLTSA was used to excavate the embedded intrinsic structure, and realize low dimensional feature extraction. Finally, least squares support vector machine (LSSVM) was introduced to train and recognize low dimensional features. The test results showed that the proposed method has application potential in fields of mechanical pattern classification and fault recognition.
  • Guo Xuewei,Shen Yongjun,Yang Shaopu
    Abstract (353) PDF (7458)   Knowledge map   Save
    In this paper a new method of fault feature extraction based on sample entropy and fractional Fourier transform is presented. The core of this new method is to map the original data with poor separability into the appropriate fractional space firstly. Then the sample entropies of the transformed data after fractional Fourier transformation with appropriate order are computed and compared, so that fault feature extraction is fulfilled. The results show this new method could enhance the separability of different failure modes, and discriminate the normal, inner ring fault, outer ring fault and roller fault signals distinctly.
  • DOU Peng1,WANG Zhidong1,LING Hongjie2,XU Xiaosen2
    Abstract (440) PDF (5831)   Knowledge map   Save
    Based on the two-way fluid structure coupling theory, the numerical model of tuned liquid damper (TLD) and multi-layer multi-modal platform structure was established in this paper. The effects of TLD damping frequency and installation height on the first two resonant modes of multi-layer structure were systematically studied. The damping force has been quantified by numerical method. Combined with the phase delay relationship of sloshing wave and platform motion, the damping characteristics of TLD on multi-layer multi-modal platform structure were analyzed. The results show that the control effect of different installation positions of TLD is related to the maximum vibration mode of the corresponding mode of the structure. The damping frequency band of TLD can be widened by the frequency doubling excitation generated in the sloshing process. In addition, keeping the mass ratio of 2% unchanged, the multi-TLD system has a more stable vibration reduction effect on the multi-layer structure without local negative excitation. The average vibration reduction ratio at the two resonance points is better than that of other schemes.
  • WANG Cheng1, WAN Bowen2, CHEN Yanyan3, MAO Feihong1, GUO Jing1, CHEN Juan1
    Abstract (465) PDF (5155)   Knowledge map   Save
  • WANG Yanhua, LV Jing,WU Jing
    Abstract (352) PDF (4616)   Knowledge map   Save
    Recently the application of neural networks to the online model updating of hybrid testings is an important research direction.How to improve the adaptability, stability and anti-noise ability of online model updating algorithm of neural network is a key problem.An on-line model updating method for hybrid testings based on the forgetting factor and LMBP neural network was proposed, namely in each time step the historical experimental data of the test substructure were used to form a dynamic window sample with a forgetting factor.Then the LMBP neural network was trained with the sample set by the incremental training method, and the restoring force of the numerical element with the same constitutive model was predicted synchronously.The model updating hybrid testing on a 2-DOF nonlinear system was simulated and the RMSD of the predicted restoring force of numerical substructure was found to be 0.023 0 finally.The results show that the online model updating method of hybrid testings based on the forgetting factor and LMBP neural network has good adaptability, stability and anti-noise ability.
  • LUO Yingqin, LOU Jingjun, ZHANG Yanbing
    Abstract (582) PDF (4509)   Knowledge map   Save
    A sound-absorbing structure of composite grid sandwich which is resistant to hydrostatic pressure is proposed. The grid spaces are filled with polyurethane matrix. The soft rubber coated iron ball is embedded in the matrix as a local resonance scatterer unit. The sound absorption performances of the structure under normal pressure and 3MPa static pressure are stable after compared by finite element method. The sound absorption mechanism was analyzed through discussing the relationship between sound absorption coefficient, average energy dissipation, the displacement and energy dissipation density fields. Finally, the genetic algorithm is used to optimize the broadband sound absorption performance of the structure. After optimization, the average sound absorption performance is increased by 150% and reaches 0.99 at a low frequency point where the thickness of the structure is less than λ/14, so that the small sized structure is realized to control the low frequency sound waves. It is expected to realize low-frequency broadband sound absorption design by adding more materials and structural parameters in the optimization model or filling different grid spaces with sound absorption microstructures that work at different low frequency points.
  • HAN Dongdong, LI Xin, WANG Wenhua
    Abstract (353) PDF (4135)   Knowledge map   Save
    The fully coupled aero-servo-hydro-elastic-linear foundation simulation tool is developed based on the recompiled FAST-SC-SSI, and the coupled linear spring is applied to simulate the soil-structure interactions (SSI). The reference offshore wind turbines is designed according to the NREL 5-MW baseline wind turbine and a monopile foundation. The parameters of tuned mass damper (TMD) in nacelle are designed based on the dynamic characteristics of monopile OWT with rigid and flexible boundaries. Reductions of the structural responses in the time and frequency domains are adopted to reveal the vibration control mechanisms of TMD and evaluate the influence of SSI on the TMD mitigation effects. Based on the performed investigations, it can be seen the significant influence of SSI on the reductions of structural responses, which should be emphasized in the design of TMDs for OWTs.
  • BAI Yunshan, FENG Xiaowei, LIANG Bin, FENG Gaopeng
    Abstract (254) PDF (4051)   Knowledge map   Save
    Based on the shock initiation of explosive—Lee-Tarver ignition and growth model,a three-dimensional numerical model was developed using the finite difference code AUTODYN to simulate the processes of jet penetrating and detonating a “sandwich” ERA(explosive reactive armor),and an explosive pressure driven flyer plate incising a jet.Aiming at three influence factors in-cluding flyer plate thickness,interlayer charge thickness and jet inclined angle,the evaluating indicators of jet disturbing efficiency were determined.By means of the orthogonal statistical test method,the parametric sensitivity of the evaluating indicators of jet disturbing efficiency was studied.Results demonstrated that jet inclined angle is the main influence factor,jet’s lateral momentum,jet tip velocity and the time of jet penetrating back plate are significantly affected by jet inclined angle,the relationship between jet inclined angle and evaluating indicators is positively correlated; flyer plate thickness is the second main influence factors, it affects all evaluating indicators evidently; interlayer charge thickness’s influence on jet tip velocity has no obvious regularity,and has also few influence on the time of jet penetrating back plate.
  • WANG Daoyong,XU Yanmin
    Abstract (221) PDF (4051)   Knowledge map   Save
    In this paper, the vibration control of vehicle with different shift time based on a semi-active hydraulic damping strut (HDS) is researched on how to reduce the shift time of vehicle in situ shift without increasing the shock and vibration of the vehicle. Firstly, the experimental and theoretical acceleration values of the active side of the engine mount and torque strut are compared and analyzed and the error is less than 20%, which verifies the effectiveness of the 13-DOFs vehicle dynamics model. Secondly, the semi-active HDS in the mounting system can effectively reduce the shock and vibration in the process of in situ shift quickly according to the dynamic response analysis and experimental test. Finally, the dynamic response characteristics of the vehicle with different shift time are analyzed by combining theory and test. The results showed that the shift shock and vibration caused by in-situ shift are mainly transmitted to the vehicle through the transmission mount and the torque strut. The transmission mount is insensitive to the increase of the damping of the mounting system, and the engine mount is insensitive to the vibration of the powertrain. The introduction of semi-active HDS in the powertrain mounting system can reduce the in-situ shift time and fuel consumption.
    Key words:in situ shift; shift time; shock and vibration; semi-active hydraulic damping strut; vibration control
  • GUO Linsheng1, WEN Yongpeng1, SHANG Huilin2, ZONG Zhixiang1, SUN Qian1
    Abstract (226) PDF (4008)   Knowledge map   Save
    In order to study relationship between vibration characteristics of urban rail elastic vehicle body and under-vehicle equipment, a rigid-flexible coupled multi-body dynamic model for the equivalent Euler beam vehicle body with under-vehicle equipment was established using the modal superposition method.Vibration responses of the vehicle body’s middle part and the upper one on the vehicle bogie were analyzed under various different operating conditions.The sensitivity of the first-order elastic modal frequency of the vehicle body to the elastic resonance velocity was discussed.Along the whole vehicle length, the coupled vibration relationship between the vehicle body and the under-vehicle equipment was analyzed.The variation of the whole vehicle’s vibration was analyzed to evaluate the stability of the vehicle at last.The results showed that elastic suspension of under-vehicle equipment can effectively suppress vibration of the entire vehicle body; from the view point of suppressing the entire vehicle body vibration, it is necessary to symmetrically install the equipment under the middle of the vehicle body, and choose different elastic suspension devices for under-vehicle equipment with different mass; the vehicle body’s elastic vibration is greatly affected by the resonance speed, vehicle operation under non-resonant speed can effectively avoid the overall vehicle elastic resonance and improve passengers’ comfort; the study results provide a reference for reducing elastic vibration of urban rail vehicles, improving passengers’ comfort, reasonably locating under-vehicle equipment and appropriately choosing its elastic suspension devise.
  • SHEN Chao1,2, BO Jingshan1,2, ZHANG Xuedong3, ZHANG Jianyi2, LIANG Jianhui3, QI Wenhao1
    Abstract (226) PDF (3938)   Knowledge map   Save
    Under suitable conditions, strong earthquake can cause surface rupture and damage to projects.Avoiding a surface rupture zone caused by seismogenic fault is one of important contents of project site selection.Here, based on the geotechnical centrifugal simulation technology, the process of reverse fault dislocation was successfully simulated in 100g centrifugal field, and surface deformation evolution characteristics of 40 m thick dry sand and wet sand sites during bedrock having different dislocations were obtained.According to test results, the surface deformation process was divided into 4 stages including whole uplift stage, uplift deformation one, scarp translation one and deformation mitigation lag one.Finally, the recommended value of ground surface rupture avoidance distance for strong earthquakes was given.It was shown that the test study and related results here have important theoretical and practical significance for understanding and studying the deformation of soil body caused by dislocation of hidden reverse fault and determining the avoidance distance of surface rupture of seismogenic fault.
  • Weimin Wang Sanqun Ren Lifang Chen Shan Huang
    Abstract (333) PDF (3836)   Knowledge map   Save
    Accurate measurement of blade vibration with the use of fewer sensors and more compact installation space is indispensable for engineering applications. Based on the measurement method of BTT, the combination of the nonlinear least squares fitting and GARIV method is proposed and experimentally studied to identify the synchronous vibration parameters of blade. A high-speed straight blade test bench was established (the maximum speed is 45000rpm, and the blade tip velocity is 322.8m/s). In the experimental study, the parameter identification of synchronous vibration of blade is completed and the Campbell diagram of blade vibration is accurately plotted under the excitation of six magnets. Meanwhile, the experimental study and analysis on the harmonic vibration of blade with different numbers of excitation. The deviation of the dynamic frequency of blade between experimental result and simulation result is less than 6%. This method can provide a technical approach for blade fault early warming and non-contact measurement of dynamic stress.

  • CUI Guangyao1,JI Lei1,WANG Mingnian2,3,ZHU Chang’an4
    Abstract (329) PDF (3559)   Knowledge map   Save
    In order to study shock absorber technology with rigid-flexible combination for tunnel opening section in high intensity seismic areas, taking the entrance section of Bai-yunding tunnel as a background, large-scale shaking table model tests were conducted to study peak acceleration of ground motion, longitudinal strain, contact stress and structural internal forces through analysing test data. The test results showed that only taking structural strengthening measures, the growth percentage of structure safety factor minimum value of the whole tunnel opening section is between 30%—65%; only setting a shock absorption gap, that is between 40%—55%; the shock absorption gap has an obvious action to reduce forced displacements, and its shock absorption effect is obvious; taking the shock absorber technology with rigid-flexible combination, the growth percentage of structure safety factor minimum value of the whole tunnel opening section is between 85%—145% and its action is remarkable to resist earthquake motion and reduce forced displacements, the shock absorption effect is the best. The study results provided a reference for improving the aseismic performance of transportation tunnels in high intensity seismic areas.
  • LIU Mingyang, YANG Jin, ZHENG Wei, FAN Endong
    Abstract (204) PDF (3462)   Knowledge map   Save
    The water supply network has a large number of branch pipes. The fluid flow state changes under the action of the branch joint, which produces a fluid noise. This branch flow-induced noise couples with the leak sound signal through the pipe wall. Aiming at the leak location under the interference of branch flow-induced noise. The proposed C-EFastICA algorithm based on EFastICA, which expanded the cost function, constraint function, and iteration rules of the instantaneous linear EFastICA technology in the time domain to the complex-valued domain. Because the algorithm can adaptively select the nonlinear function g to establish the cost function and iterative learning rules according to the generalized Gaussian characteristics of the signal, it has a higher separation precision for signal decomposition. The experiments show that the relative error of the obtained leak source signal with C-EFastICA is less than 12%, which is lower than the traditional C-FastICA algorithm.
  • JIN Pengcheng, ZHOU Jianxing, QI Le, WANG Shengnan, ZHOU Hengyu, SONG Lirui
    Abstract (192) PDF (3457)   Knowledge map   Save
    In order to study the dynamic performance optimization method of multistage fixed-axle gear train,a parametric dynamics model including gear design parameters (number of teeth,modulus,tooth width) and system layout parameters (gear installation position,interstage phase Angle) was established by using the generalized finite element method. Newmark-β time domain integral method was used to solve the dynamic equation at rated speed,and the influence of each parameter on the dynamic characteristics of the system was analyzed. On this basis,the multistage fixed axis gear system dynamic optimization method is proposed,taking design and layout parameters as variables,reducer gear ratio,the diameter of axle width as constraint conditions,such as dynamic load amplitude and minimum on bearing load difference as the main target,multi-objective hybrid discrete optimization model is established, and obtain the optimal design variables based on bayesian algorithm programming model. The results show that the amplitude of the first stage meshing force of the optimized reducer is reduced by 18.9%,the amplitude of the second stage meshing force is reduced by 17.2%,and the load difference of bearings on both sides of shafting is reduced by 36%,40% and 45% respectively. The mass decrease by 8.7%,the volume of boundary box decrease by 27%,and the optimization effect is obvious.
  • LIU Shaojie1, QIU Yuanying1, BAI Jin1, DU Jiangong1, LI Jing1, WANG Haidong2, 
    Abstract (230) PDF (3333)   Knowledge map   Save
    Under multi-axis complex vibration environment, an electrical connector structure may be loose to affect electrical contact performance of its electrical appliances and cause failure of equipment function.Here, in order to explore mechanical characteristics of electrical connector in loosening process under multi-axis random vibration environment, a model of electrical connector in missile electronic cabin was established.The change time history of contact pressure in pin’s withdrawing process during it being loose relative to pinhole was simulated under random vibration environment, and the stress evolution mechanism in loosening process of electrical connector was revealed.Through comparing stress varying trend under triaxial random vibration and that under uniaxial random vibration, according to differences of three intervals, looseness characteristics of electrical connector under triaxial vibration were compared with those under uniaxial vibration, and a triaxial vibration stress screening method for connector looseness was provided.The mapping relationship between stress and resistance of electrical connector was derived by using R.Holm expression for relation between contact resistance and contact pressure, and the monitoring of contact stress between pin and pinhole was converted into monitoring of contact resistance to solve the technical problem of dynamic stress inside pinhole being difficult to measure.
  • Ren Yongsheng, Shi Yuyan, Zhang Yuhuan
    Abstract (209) PDF (3256)   Knowledge map   Save
    The nonlinear free vibration and stability of an internally damped rotating composite shaft were investigated. The shaft was assumed as an inextensional rotating beam with nonlinear curvature and inertia. The internal damping was described by the dissipative behavior of composite. Based on the constitutive relations and the strain-displacement relations of composite, the strain energy, virtual dissipative work and kinetic energy of the shaft were obtained. The equations of motion governing the nonlinear bending-bending vibration of the rotating composite shaft were derived using the extended Hamilton principle. The partial differential equations of motion were reduced into ordinary differential equations by the Galerkin’s method. In order to find the boundaries of stability, the corresponding linearized model of the composite shaft was used in eigenvalue analysis. The critical rotating speeds and instability thresholds of composite shaft were provided. The fourth-order Runge-Kutta method was used to integrate numerically the differential equations of motion. The displacement-time responses, phase plane curves and power spectra of the shaft were presented. The effects of the ply angle, ratio of length to outer radius and stacking sequence on the nonlinear bending vibration responses of the composite shaft were evaluated.
  • HUANG Peng, CHEN Sheng, HUANG Shunjie
    Abstract (252) PDF (3214)   Knowledge map   Save
    In wind disasters, the closed structures will become open structures after being destroyed, and the internal pressure of the structures will suddenly increase, which has greater damages to the structures. At present, the researches on wind-induced internal pressure mainly focus on the structure with opening on windward wall, but ignore the situation of leeward wall with opening. Firstly, the calculation method of wind-induced response of structure with opening on leeward wall was deduced theoretically. Then the natural frequencies of the internal pressure system and the internal pressure responses obtained from the field measurement and the theoretical calculation method were compared to verify the accuracy of the theoretical method. After that, a rational method about the opening area on the leeward walls was explored and established, which was demonstrated to have obvious effects on improving the load conditions of roofs under strong wind.

  • CHEN Gongqing, WU Hao, L Jinxian, CHEN De
    Abstract (316) PDF (3214)   Knowledge map   Save
    As non-structural members, masonry infill walls are often neglected in the blast-resistant analysis of structures. However, serious damage occurs to masonry infill walls in explosion accidents, which affects the propagation of blast wave, its interaction with structures and the degree of damage to the structure. This paper aims to evaluate the effect of masonry infill walls on damage and failure of RC frame structure under external blast loadings based on refined numerical simulation approach. Firstly, the finite element software LS-DYNA is used to reproduce the near-range explosion tests of typical masonry infill walls and masonry-infilled RC frame, which verifies the applicability of the simplified micro-modelling approach, material models and parameters, as well as the blast loading applied approach based on Arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian (ALE) and the Fluid-Structure Interaction (FSI) algorithm. Furthermore, combined with the structural hybrid element modelling approach, the numerical simulation was carried out on the dynamic behavior of the typical 6-story bare and masonry-infilled RC frame structure with 6-, 7- and 8-degrees seismic precautionary intensities under the explosion of sedan bomb (454kg equivalent TNT specified by Federal Emergency Management Agency) at the bottom edge column. The propagation of blast wave, as well as dynamic response, damage pattern and collapse-resistance mechanism of the structures were examined. It derives that: the masonry infill walls can effectively block the inward propagation of blast wave and reduce the peak overpressure on the adjacent internal column by 95%, and thus relieve the damage degree of the internal structural members. However, the structural damage at the head-on blast face is aggravated, e.g., compared with bare frame, the horizontal displacements of target column in masonry-infilled RC frame with three seismic precautionary intensities increase by 21.4%, 31.1% and 14.8%, respectively. The vertical displacement of target column at top floor in the bare and masonry-infilled RC frame with different seismic precautionary intensity is basically same. Therefore, the effects of seismic design and masonry infill walls on the overall collapse behavior of structures can be ignored under the external explosion of sedan bomb.
  • ZHANG Jiayan1,2, MENG Qingxi1, FENG Xugang1,WANG Bing1,HU Xuefeng1
    Abstract (235) PDF (3213)   Knowledge map   Save
    Mould oscillation control is the key link of continuous casting. Based on the hydraulic control system with nonlinear time-varying and uncertainty model structure characteristics,a compound control solutions on iterative learning mould hydraulic vibration was proposed. The PID(proportion integration differentiation controller) controller with displacement transducer constitute the disturbance-resisting inner loop system. The iterative learning controller (iterative learning controller,ILC) unit constitute the mould hydraulic vibration system as outer loop,to ensure the system tracking performance. Through the electro-hydraulic system design calculation and MATLAB simulation analysis,the effect of dynamic tracing control scheme at ILC was tested. On this basis,it was used in real control operation. Results show that the control scheme has  good effect such as strong robustness and good dynamic performance.
  • 论文
    RONG Bao;RUI Xiao-ting;Wang Guo-ping;YANG Fu-feng
    . 2011, 30(7): 178-187.
    Abstract (1976) PDF (3108)   Knowledge map   Save
    Multibody system dynamics is an important branch in the field of the modern mechanics. It provides a
    strong tool for dynamic performance estimation and optimizing design of many mechanical systems in a lot of important
    engineering fields, such as, weapon, aeronautics, astronautics, vehicle, robot, precision machinery, and so on. The study
    on dynamic modeling, design and control of complex multibody systems is the urgent demand of modern engineering
    problems. The studies on the dynamic modeling methods, computational strategies, control design, software
    exploitations, and experiments of multibody systems in recently years are reviewed. The future directions of this field are
  • XIA Guanghui, WANG Jianguo
    Abstract (239) PDF (3057)   Knowledge map   Save
    Here, considering geometric nonlinearity, damping nonlinearity and axial inextensibility of beams, the electro-mechanical coupled nonlinear dynamic equation of a cantilever beam with a tip mass piezoelectric energy harvester under parametric and direct excitations was established by using Hamilton variational principle. In fact, the piezoelectric energy harvester is a piezoelectric bimorph cantilever beam structure. Using Galerkin method, the electro-mechanical coupled nonlinear dynamic equation was reduced to an electro-mechanical coupled nonlinear Mathieu-Duffing equation. In order to study the first-order resonance response of the energy harvester, the multi-scale method was used to obtain the analytical expressions for beam deflection, output voltage and output power of the energy harvester. These analytical expressions were used to study influences of impedance, damping coefficient and tip mass under parametric and direct excitations on performances of the piezoelectric energy harvester.