摘 要:采用特征线法对输液管道流固耦合振动问题进行了数值分析研究。数值分析采用14-方程模型,为了提高数值分析精度,对传统特征线法进行了改进;给出了时间步长Dt和管道分段数N的确定条件,提出了自适应网格加密的方法来修正空间步长Dz以便更好地捕捉边界处液体压力的波动。对一典型液压系统的耦合振动响应进行了数值仿真,数值结果与实验结果吻合较好,证明了本文方法的正确性和有效性。
Abstract: Numerical analysis of fluid-structure coupling vibration of fluid-conveying pipe was carried out by method of characteristics (MOC). 14-function model is adopted in the numerical analysis, and the MOC is improved to get higher numerical analysis precision. Confirming conditions of time step, Dt and divided number of straight pipe, N are presented, self-adaptive-mesh-manifolding method of modifying mesh spacing Dz close to boundary is put forward to catch accurate change of fluid pressure. A numerical simulation research on coupled vibration response of a hydraulic system is carried out, the result shows that numerical result is consistent with experiment result, and the numerical method introduced is validated.