摘 要:目前国内外对多自由度超声电机的研究和应用尚属探索阶段,出现了多种结构的多自由度超声电机。本文提出了一种新型单振子纵弯夹心换能器式超声电机结构,由单一驱动足产生多自由度振动轨迹,驱动球形转子作多自由度运动;对十字交叉换能器做了模态分析,对纵振和弯振做了模态简并;建立了驱动足的运动轨迹方程,并仿真分析了典型驱动方式下驱动足的振动轨迹;试验测试了样机转子绕X、Y、Z轴转动的速度与电压之间的关系和转矩与速度之间的关系,计算了相应情况下电机的最大效率;电机旋转方向与分析结果一致。
Abstract: Presently, the research and application of the multi-DOF USM in the world is in the investigating stage, many structure multi-DOF USM have come forth. A multi-DOF USM based on single longitudinal-bending transducer vibrator was proposed and studied. The transducer brings multi-DOF driving trajectories only with single tip. The tip drives spherical spinner. model analysis was carry out on cross orthogonal transducer, with the FEM method, the longitudinal and bending resonance frequencies are degenerated; An analytical model of the multi-DOF driving foot trajectories has been developed; analyzed the driving foot trajectories with typical driving mode by simulation; Relationship of rotary speed with voltage and torque with rotary speed around coordinate axis was measured, corresponding efficiency was figured out. The experimentation is conformity with trajectories of analysis.