摘 要:基于振动的功率流理论和一般概率摄动法,研究振动传递路径的功率流传递概率的度量问题,提出了频域内振动传递路径系统的路径功率流传递度的新概念和方法。在考虑工程中的不确定因素以后,在频域内清晰地描述了振动传递路径系统的路径功率流传递度。研究功率流传递度对这些不确定因素的敏感程度,估计参数变化的效果,从而指导系统结构的优化。
Abstract: This paper based on the theory of powerflow and the generalized probabilistic perturbation method, the path powerflow transfer ratio are solved, and the new concept and effective approach of path powerflow transfer probability for vibration transfer path systems in frequency range are presented. The powerflow transfer probability among vibration paths are described correctly and expressly in frequency range as uncertain factors are considered. The sensitivity of the system to uncertain factors is studied. It is supposed to study the sensitivity of the system to these parameters, to estimate the effect of the change of parameters, to improve design performance.