Aeroelastic model of single D section iced conductor and bundled crescent section iced conductors were made, The dynamic characteristics of vertical and rotational movemoment of the conductor model are simulated by springs and additional weight. By varying ratio of vertical and rotational self-vibration frequency of the conductor model, vetical galloping and vertical-torsional coupled galloping of D section iced conductor, vertical-torsional coupled galloping of bundled crescent section iced conductor were excited and recorded respectively in the wind tunnel under appropriate wind speed and attack angles. Vertical and torsional aerodynamic damping in galloping were identified by Hilbert transform, impacts of wind speed, attack angle, ratio of vertical and rotational self-vibration frequency, iced profile and number of sub conductors on aerodynamic damping are discussed. aerodynamic damping identified from vetical galloping of D section iced conductor is compared with theoretical Den Hartog aerodynamic damping. It indicate that the aeroelastic model have a negetive aerodynamic damping in vaule, and its magnitude increase with test wind speed; the identified aerodynamic damping of single D section iced conductor in vertical galloping have slightly lower magnitude than the theoretical Den Hartog aerodynamic damping. Number of sub conductors influences aerodynamic damping of bundled conductors with the same iced profile. Torsional response has a complicated impact on aerodynamic damping.
舞动 /
覆冰导线 /
风洞试验 /
{{custom_keyword}} /
Key words
galloping /
iced conductor /
wind tunnel test /
aerodynamic damping
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覆冰输电线路舞动气动阻尼识别[J]. 振动与冲击, 2011, 30(10): 160-164
WANG Xin; LOU Wen-juan;SHEN Guo-hui.
Aerodynamic damping identification of iced transmission line galloping[J]. Journal of Vibration and Shock, 2011, 30(10): 160-164