The distribution characteristics of seismic damage and hysteretic energy for bridge structure especially bridge pier under strong earthquake is an important basis of performance-based seismic design. In this paper, the improved two-parameter Park-Ang damage assessment model was introduced, and an equivalent pier model from a RC highway bridge near active fault was studied. The influence of peak acceleration(PGA), frequency and duration on the distribution of seismic damage and hysteretic energy was discussed in-depth. Studies show that damage and cumulative hysteretic energy declines significantly along the piers upwards. With the increase of PGA, damage of the cross section near the pier bottom enlarges apparently, and the damage height expands at the same time. The distribution of damage participation factor is stable, and the damage proportion for the bottom segment to the whole pier is 30%-40%. The seismic damage from cumulative hysteretic energy is 20%-80% of the total damage, which should not be ignored. The frequency characteristics of ground motion has significant influence, when its predominant period is close to the bridge’s natural period, each indicator increases saliently. Duration has no significant impact on the distribution proportion of damage, but strong earthquake duration exerts cumulative effect on the damage value of each cross section.
性能抗震设计 /
桥梁 /
桥墩 /
滞回耗能 /
损伤 /
分布 /
{{custom_keyword}} /
Key words
performance-based seismic design /
bridge /
pier /
hysteretic energy /
damage /
distribution /
damage assessment model
{{custom_keyword}} /
基于改进Park-Ang模型的RC桥墩地震动损伤及滞回耗能特性研究[J]. 振动与冲击, 2012, 31(5): 97-105
Jiang Hui;Shen-dan;Liu Xia-run;Yang Qing-shan;Zhu Xi.
Seismic damage and hysteretic energy characteristics research of rc bridge pier based on improved park-ang model[J]. Journal of Vibration and Shock, 2012, 31(5): 97-105