
李利孝 肖仪清1 周超英1 宋丽莉2

振动与冲击 ›› 2015, Vol. 34 ›› Issue (11) : 11-16.

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振动与冲击 ›› 2015, Vol. 34 ›› Issue (11) : 11-16.


  • 李利孝  肖仪清1 周超英1 宋丽莉2
作者信息 +

Research on modeling wind velocity spectrum in typhoon boundary layer based on the conditions for design reference

  • LI Li-xiao1, XIAO Yi-qing1, ZHOU Chao-ying1, SONG Li-li2
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文章历史 +




A data-driven model was proposed to model wind velocity spectrum in typhoon boundary layer, in which the conditions of design reference were taken into account. This model was established on bases of Moning-Obukhov Similarity Theory (MOST) and the field measured data of typhoon Hagupit in Zhizai Island, Bohe. Firstly, the six-parameter general model was simplified into four-parameter spectral model by matching the model criteria of energy spectrum in homogeneous turbulent flow. Secondly, the theoretical expressions of the four spectral parameters were determined based on the features of wind velocity spectrum in low and high frequency range. Then the data-driven model accounting the conditions of design reference was established through parameterizing the four spectral parameters on basis of the field measured data of typhoon Hagupit. Finally, the validation of the data-driven model was examined using arbitrarily selected four 1-hour length datasets in different sectors of typhoon Hagupit, and the model shows a good agreement with the measurements.


台风 / 湍流 / 脉动风速谱 / 设计基准条件 / 结构抗风设计

Key words

typhoon / turbulence / wind velocity spectrum / conditions for design reference / wind-resistance design


李利孝 肖仪清1 周超英1 宋丽莉2. 基于设计基准条件的台风边界层脉动风速谱建模方法研究[J]. 振动与冲击, 2015, 34(11): 11-16
LI Li-xiao1, XIAO Yi-qing1, ZHOU Chao-ying1, SONG Li-li2. Research on modeling wind velocity spectrum in typhoon boundary layer based on the conditions for design reference[J]. Journal of Vibration and Shock, 2015, 34(11): 11-16


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