Tooth profile modification can decrease the loaded static transmission error, and improve the dynamic characteristic of gear pairs. On the basis of available theories and literatures, the time-varying mesh stiffness (TVMS) and static transmission error (STE) were obtained by a correction method considering misalign effect between the root circle and tooth base circle and accurate gear profile curve. The optimum profile modification curve under different amounts of profile modification were determined by analyzing the STE changing with different profile modification curves and amounts of profile modification. By combining the gear-rotor system model and considering the effect of no-load STE caused by profile modification, the vibration responses of the gear-rotor system with different profile modification curve were analyzed and the optimum profile modification curves were assessed by amplitude frequency responses. The results show that the optimum profile modification can be determined by evaluating the vibration responses of gear-rotor system.
齿廓修形 /
时变啮合刚度 /
静态传动误差 /
齿轮-转子系统 /
{{custom_keyword}} /
Key words
profile modification /
time-varying mesh stiffness /
static transmission error /
gear-rotor system /
vibration response
{{custom_keyword}} /
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