

振动与冲击 ›› 2015, Vol. 34 ›› Issue (11) : 68-74.

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振动与冲击 ›› 2015, Vol. 34 ›› Issue (11) : 68-74.


  • 朱东俊1,2,初文华3,4梁德利5,王诗平1,6
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Research on the characterization of vehicle’s pyroshock based on SPH-FEM coupling method

  • ZHU Dong-jun1,2   CHU Wen-hua3,4   LIANG De-li5   WANG Shi-ping1,6
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基于SPH-FEM耦合算法思想,采用SPH粒子对爆炸螺栓等大变形区域进行离散,飞行器分离结构使用有限元离散,建立飞行器分离结构的爆炸分离模型,通过改变爆炸螺栓的起爆顺序和起爆时间间隔对其爆炸分离特性展开研究。验证了模型的有效性和准确性,经研究发现,上、下部螺栓率先起爆为最佳的起爆顺序;各爆炸螺栓按一定顺序间隔起爆,可有效地缓解螺栓爆炸对分离结构的冲击;螺栓的最佳起爆时间间隔为 ,且起爆时间间隔不宜超过 。


A model for analyzing vehicle’s pyroshock was established base on SPH-FEM coupling method, the coupled SPH-FEM method employs SPH particles in the higher distortion regions for explosion bolt and finite elements for vehicle’s separate structure.The characterization of vehicle’s pyroshock is studied by changing the order of bolt initiation sequence and initiation interval. The numerical results well agree with the experimental results and thus verify the accuracy of the model. Study shows that, the best detonating sequence is to let the top and bottom bolts detonate firstly; Explosion bolts detonate in a certain order and interval, which can effectively alleviate the explosive impact to the separate structure; the best initiation interval is  , and the bolts initiation interval should not more than  .


爆炸螺栓 / SPH / FEM / 分离


朱东俊1,2,初文华3,4梁德利5,王诗平1,6. 基于SPH-FEM耦合算法的飞行器爆炸分离特性研究[J]. 振动与冲击, 2015, 34(11): 68-74
ZHU Dong-jun1,2 CHU Wen-hua3,4 LIANG De-li5 WANG Shi-ping1,6. Research on the characterization of vehicle’s pyroshock based on SPH-FEM coupling method[J]. Journal of Vibration and Shock, 2015, 34(11): 68-74


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