This paper presents a study on seismic response feature and the best crossing angle for the bridges crossing active fault. One bridge crossing strike-slip active fault was taken as an example. The seismic ground motions at the site of the bridge are generated following a hybrid simulation methodology. Multi-support excitations displacement input models and nonlinear time history analysis was used to calculate seismic response of structures. The influences of the crossing angle θ between bridge and fault on seismic response is also analyzed and the influence law and variation curve were acquired. The results showed that design pier torque values of bridge crossing fault was greater, and pier transverse bending moment increased with the decreased of the fault distance. The displacement response is with the main characteristics as large displacement and plane torsional deformation of main girder, residual displacement of bearings and piers, which pose significant unseating risk. When the bridge vertically across the fault(θ=90°), the optimal rationality and economy for piers internal force is presented, the bridge axial displacement component caused by fault dislocation is minimal, accordingly, the risk of unseating is relatively low. The results provide in this research can be used as a reference to the seismic design and bridge location.
桥梁工程 /
跨断层 /
地震响应 /
{{custom_keyword}} /
Key words
bridge engineering /
across faults /
seismic response /
crossing angle between bridge and fault
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