Considering backlash of gear pairs, time-varying mesh stiffness and friction, a nonlinear dynamic model of scissor gear transmission with seven degree-of-freedom was established by analytical mechanics theory. An example scissor gear was used to investigate the effects of rotational speed, backlash, stiffness and preload of torsional spring on the nonlinear dynamic behavior of the system with Runge-Kutta method. The results showed that the system went into a chaotic motion with increase in speed, and it is at the medium speed that the nonlinear dynamic behavior of the system was more sensitive to the change of the speed. When the backlash increased, the speed interval of chaos became larger and the chaotic characteristic was enhanced. It was the nonlinear dynamic characteristic, not the gear teeth off, that was profoundly influenced by the torsional stiffness of spring. And the smaller torsional stiffness would be more helpful to avoiding the separating and impacting status of the gear pair. Preload of torsional spring affected the meshing states of the scissor gear transmission. Minimum preload torque was almost in direct proportion to the load torque.
剪式齿轮 /
非线性动力学 /
扭簧刚度 /
{{custom_keyword}} /
Key words
scissor gear /
nonlinear dynamic /
torsional stiffness of spring /
preload of torsional spring
{{custom_keyword}} /
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