
王 栋,吕西林,刘中坡

振动与冲击 ›› 2015, Vol. 34 ›› Issue (16) : 109-118.

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振动与冲击 ›› 2015, Vol. 34 ›› Issue (16) : 109-118.


  • 王  栋,吕西林,刘中坡
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Shaking table test and comparison analysis for base-isolated high-rise buildings with different aspect ratios

  • WANG Dong,Lü Xi-lin,LIU Zhong-po
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为研究基础隔震高层结构的动力特性及地震响应规律,进行不同高宽比基础隔震高层结构在不同地震水准、不同地震激励下的模拟振动台试验,并与非隔震结构对比。模型采用缩尺7层钢框架结构,隔震支座用6件铅芯叠层橡胶支座,通过移动支座位置实现不同隔震高宽比。结果表明,高宽比为3、5、7基础隔震结构较非隔震结构自振周期从0.267 s分别延长至0.549 s、0.719 s、0.800 s,设防地震作用下结构顶层最大加速度响应从0.61 g减小至0.15g、0.16 g、0.18 g。隔震后上部结构整体侧移角随高宽比增大而增大,结构整体抗倾覆性能随高宽比增大而减小。用三维实体有限元模型对试验进行数值模拟分析,试验结果与数值结果吻合较好,说明试验具有良好的准确性且可反映基础隔震结构的真实动力特性。


Duing to the development of isolation material and improvement of design concept and analysis theory, the application of base isolation is extending to high-rise buildings with large aspect ratios. In this paper, the shake table tests have been carried out to investigate the dynamic characteristics and seismic responses of high-rise base-isolated buildings with different aspect ratios when subjected to different earthquake records at various intensity. The comparison of dynamic characteristics between base-fixed and base-isolated buildings was performed simultaneously. A scaled 7-story steal frame was built as specimen model and six lead-core laminated rubber bearings were selected as isolation devices. In tests, the aspcet ratio of model can be changed by shifting the bearings. The results of the shaking table tests convey that the nature periods of base-isolated models with aspect ratios 3, 5 and 7, compared with that of base-fixed model, prolong from 0.267s to 0.549s, 0.719s and 0.800s respectively. In the other hand, the maximum peak accelerations of top story under design earthquake level decreased from 0.61g to 0.15g, 0.16g and 0.18g. Moreover, it was found that structure global drift angle increases and anti-overturning performance degenerates while increasing aspect ratio. As supplementary, a three-dimensional finite element (FE) model was created and a good consistent between results of FE analysis and test can be observed. 


基础隔震高层结构 / 高宽比 / 加速度响应 / 整体稳定性 / 数值模拟

Key words

base-isolated high-rise building / aspect ratio / acceleration response / integral stability / numerical simulation


王 栋,吕西林,刘中坡. 不同高宽比基础隔震高层结构振动台试验研究及对比分析[J]. 振动与冲击, 2015, 34(16): 109-118
WANG Dong,Lü Xi-lin,LIU Zhong-po. Shaking table test and comparison analysis for base-isolated high-rise buildings with different aspect ratios[J]. Journal of Vibration and Shock, 2015, 34(16): 109-118


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