In order to develop a communication system that uses extensional stress waves in hollow steel drill pipe to carry encoded data between the bottom of well and the operator, it is necessary to know optimal signal transmission. We established an aperiodic drill-string assembly model to characterize the downhole information transmission and analyzed the characteristics of combinations of eight drill pipes of different length and different cross-sectional area by applying the reflectionless acoustic transmission model(RATO). The results showed that the ascent-then-descend(ATD) and the descend-then- ascent(DTA) pipe arrangement has more efficient energy transfer than other pipe arrangement for different lengths of bottom hole assembly(BHA); The DTA pipe arrangement has more efficient energy transfer than other pipe arrangement for different cross-sectional area of BHA. The analysis of the RATO of drill tools and the simulation of optimal transmission of the acoustic drilling string channel provide both scientific theoretical and technical foundation for the research of the acoustic telemetry.
声波遥测 /
数据传输 /
信道特性 /
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Key words
Acoustic telemetry /
Data transmission /
Channel properties /
Acoustic channel
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