Make comparative analysis of circle detection effect, algorithm application range and calculation efficiency according to different circle detection algorithms. Base on circle detection algorithms, vision-based dynamic displacement test method were developed and applied to the large-scale shaking table test. The results show that: Both Hough transform circle detection algorithm and optimal fitting circle detection algorithm have good performance in circle parameters detection. Hough transform circle detection algorithm is more suitable for testing operating conditions in which the test background is simple or need testing multiple target circles at once. Optimal fitting circle detection method is more suitable for testing operating conditions in which the test background is complex. By applying vision-based displacement testing method to large-scale shaking table test, the deformation of model soil foundation was tested. Vision-based displacement test method can effectively solve the problem of displacement testing in complex test conditions .
Hough变换圆检测 /
最优圆拟合圆检测 /
非接触性位移测试方法 /
{{custom_keyword}} /
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