In order to investigate the effect of some factors including train formation on impact coefficient of long-span railway cable-stayed bridge, according to the vehicle-induced vibration characteristics of long-span railway cable-stayed bridge, the method of vehicle-bridge coupling vibration is adopt to explore the impact effects to local elements of bridge under different train’s operational conditions. Based on the self-developed software BANSYS, the dynamic responses of the long-span railway cable-stayed bridge are calculated, and the effect of train formation, track irregularities, advancing directions and types of trains on the impact characteristics of each part of cable-stayed bridge are discussed. The results show that the same or similar train formation should be adopted when conducting vehicle-bridge dynamic calculation or field dynamic experiments; there are obvious differences among the impact coefficients at the same position when the driving direction of train is opposite.
大跨度铁路斜拉桥 /
车桥耦合振动 /
冲击系数 /
影响因素 /
{{custom_keyword}} /
Key words
long-span railway cable-stayed bridge /
vehicle-bridge coupling vibration /
impact coefficient /
influencing factor /
train formation
{{custom_keyword}} /
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