A fast computation is implemented for non-stationary random response analysis of heterogeneous material structures by applying extended multiscale finite element method (EMsFEM) into time-domain explicit method(TDEM). Firstly, the fundamental principle of EMsFEM is illustrated. Then, the advantages of TDEM in non-stationary random response analysis are discussed. Based on the explicit expressions of dynamic responses, the random response analysis is performed directly in time domain, and TDEM has a good accuracy and efficiency which is compared with response spectrum method. Finally, according to the characteristics and advantages of the two algorithms, a unified multiscale framework is proposed, which is applicable for non-stationary random response analysis of heterogeneous material structures. Numerical examples show that the proposed method has high efficiency and accuracy.
非平稳随机振动;展多尺度有限元法 /
基函数; 时域显式法
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Key words
heterogeneous material structures /
non-stationary random response analysis /
extended multiscale finite element method /
base function /
time-domain explicit method
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