
姚文莉1 岳嵘2

振动与冲击 ›› 2015, Vol. 34 ›› Issue (19) : 43-48.

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振动与冲击 ›› 2015, Vol. 34 ›› Issue (19) : 43-48.


  • 姚文莉1  岳嵘2
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The controversial coefficient of restitution for impact problems

  •  YAO Wenli1
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The coefficient of restitution for impact problems is an important and controversial parameter. The controversial problems are as follows: (1) which definition is more suitable among these in common use. (2) Whether the coefficients are only related to material of colliding bodies or not. (3) Whether the coefficients of restitution can be expressed as the function of other variables. (4) Whether another coefficient with stable and constant properties during collision can be found or not. (5) How to use different types of coefficients of restitution. Center on these problems, the review on impact problems is made. The existing problems are analyzed when solving the collision problems by using the coefficient of restitution and the future research direction is discussed.


碰撞恢复系数 / 斜碰撞 / 多体系统 / 摩擦 / 瞬时冲量法

Key words

coefficient of restitution / oblique collision / multibody / friction / instantaneous impulse method


姚文莉1 岳嵘2. 有争议的碰撞恢复系数研究进展[J]. 振动与冲击, 2015, 34(19): 43-48
YAO Wenli1 . The controversial coefficient of restitution for impact problems[J]. Journal of Vibration and Shock, 2015, 34(19): 43-48


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