

振动与冲击 ›› 2015, Vol. 34 ›› Issue (24) : 153-159.

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振动与冲击 ›› 2015, Vol. 34 ›› Issue (24) : 153-159.


  • 冯青松1,成功1,雷晓燕1,练松良2
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Analysis of Influence of ballasted track and slab ballastless track structure on ground vibration for high speed railway

  • FENG Qing-song1, CHENG Gong1,LEI Xiao-yan1,LIAN Song-liang2
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The existing analytical model for vertical vibration of the vehicle- track-subgrade-layered ground coupling system with ballasted track is modified to a new model that adapts to the coupling system with slab ballastless track. According to the passenger dedicated railway line in our country, ground vibrations generated by high speed train running on the railway line with ballasted track and slab ballastless track structure are analyzed and compared. The vibration levels, time histories and Z vibration levels of the vertical ground accelerations, the power spectrums and time histories of dynamic stress on ground surface are gained, and influences of track random irregularities on ground vibration are also discussed. The analysis results show that the vibration isolation capability of the slab ballastless track is the better; the vibration accelerations and dynamic stresses of ground with slab ballastless track are less than the corresponding values for the ballasted track, and in which the Z vibration levels decrease about 10~20dB, moreover, the reduced vibrations mainly distribute in the frequency range of 10~40Hz. The moving axle load has great contribution to ground vibration in low frequency range, nevertheless the track random irregularities mainly effect ground vibration in medium and high frequency ranges. The track random irregularities of  the slab ballastless track have greater influences on ground vibration than the corresponding condition with the ballasted track. So the track irregularities of the slab ballastless track should be strictly controlled.



Key words

ballasted track / slab ballastless track / track random irregularities / ground vibration / passenger dedicated railway line


冯青松1,成功1,雷晓燕1,练松良2. 有砟与板式无砟轨道结构对高速铁路地基振动的影响分析[J]. 振动与冲击, 2015, 34(24): 153-159
FENG Qing-song1, CHENG Gong1,LEI Xiao-yan1,LIAN Song-liang2. Analysis of Influence of ballasted track and slab ballastless track structure on ground vibration for high speed railway[J]. Journal of Vibration and Shock, 2015, 34(24): 153-159


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