针对多个设计变量情况下的柔性多体系统灵敏度分析,本文采用伴随变量法对基于绝对节点坐标法建立的柔性多体系统进行了研究。为了验证的该方法的计算效率,分别采用直接微分法和伴随变量法对受重力作用的柔性单摆进行了研究, 结果表明:这两种方法计算结果的误差很小,随着设计变量数量的增加,伴随变量法有更高的计算效率。
For multiple design variables, adjoint variable method is applied in sensitivity analysis of flexible multibody systems based on absolute node coordinate formulation. In order to verify the computational efficiency of the method, flexible pendulum under gravity is studied by the direct differentiation method and the adjoint variable method. The results show that the errors between the two methods are small, and the adjoint variable method has higher computational efficiency with increase of design variables.
多体系统 /
绝对节点坐标法 /
灵敏度 /
{{custom_keyword}} /
Key words
Multibody system /
Sensitivity /
Absolute node coordinates formulation /
Adjoint variable method
{{custom_keyword}} /
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