Dome A是南极冰盖的最高点,由于其海拔高度高和温度低,天文学家预计其将是地球上最好的天文台址之一,南极Dome A将为天文观测提供一个绝佳的窗口。但仪器设备需要从中山站通过雪橇长途运输运至Dome A,道路异常恶劣。本文基于南极巡天望远镜的改正镜系统,设计了一套适合南极Dome A运输的精密仪器减振系统。文章首先介绍了Dome A的道路冲击振动实测结果,包括对振动和冲击加速度时域和频域信号的分析,第二,文章对改正镜系统进行了动力学分析,第三,根据南极Dome A运输道路的特点完成了减振系统的设计和制作,并对减振系统进行了动力学模拟分析。最后通过在南极实测的数据对比,验证了减振系统有效性。
Dome A is the highest location in the Antarctic inland. Due to the high altitude and the low temperature, it is considered as one of the best astronomy observed location. But the instrument is transported from ZhongShan station to Dome A by sledge during a long distance trip, and also the road is very bad. Based on the Antarctic Survey telescope, the author designs a vibration attenuation way to transport the precise instrument to Dome A. Firstly, the article introduces the vibration and shock acceleration of the way to Dome A, including the time domain and the frequency domain of the vibration acceleration. Secondly, the article did a dynamic analysis of the corrector mirror of the telescope, Thirdly, the vibration attenuation design is introduce , and analysis the modal of the corrector mirror system, finally, according to the data measured in the Antarctic, the effect of the design is tested.
改正镜 /
减振设计 /
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Key words
corrector mirror system /
vibration attenuation design;Antarctic
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