

振动与冲击 ›› 2015, Vol. 34 ›› Issue (7) : 51-58.

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振动与冲击 ›› 2015, Vol. 34 ›› Issue (7) : 51-58.


  •  近年来,可恢复功能结构逐渐成为了抗震工程研究的热点。可恢复功能剪力墙,主要包括:配合框架结构同时使用的摇摆或自复位剪力墙,通过摇摆减轻地震作用的破坏,通过自重或施加预应力使结构复位;应用于剪力墙结构中的可更换剪力墙,通过对破坏部位的更换实现结构功能的快速恢复。介绍了自复位剪力墙结构,摇摆剪力墙结构及可更换剪力墙结构的相关研究进展,对研究领域的成果和不足进行了总结,并指出研究领域中存在的空白。
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State-of-the-art on resilient shear walls

  • In recent years, earthquake resilient structure has become a research hotspot of the seismic engineering. The earthquake resilient shear walls include rocking or self-centering shear wall cooperated with frame structure and replaceable shear wall applied to the shear wall structure. The former reduces the destruction of the seismic effect through rocking and restores the original position through self-weight or prestressing forces. The other restores the building through replacing damaged parts. An overview was presented regarding the development history of self-centering shear walls,rocking shear walls and replaceable shear walls, then the achievements and shortcomings in the field of research were summarized, and the blank areas in the field were pointed out.
Author information +
文章历史 +




 In recent years, earthquake resilient structure has become a research hotspot of the seismic engineering. The earthquake resilient shear walls include rocking or self-centering shear wall cooperated with frame structure and replaceable shear wall applied to the shear wall structure. The former reduces the destruction of the seismic effect through rocking and restores the original position through self-weight or prestressing forces. The other restores the building through replacing damaged parts. An overview was presented regarding the development history of self-centering shear walls,rocking shear walls and replaceable shear walls, then the achievements and shortcomings in the field of research were summarized, and the blank areas in the field were pointed out.


可恢复功能结构 / 摇摆剪力墙 / 自复位剪力墙 / 可更换剪力墙

Key words

earthquake resilient structure / rolling shear wall / self-centering shear wall / rolling replaceable shear wall


蒋欢军,刘其舟. 可恢复功能剪力墙结构研究进展[J]. 振动与冲击, 2015, 34(7): 51-58
JIANG Huan-jun LIU Qi-zhou . State-of-the-art on resilient shear walls[J]. Journal of Vibration and Shock, 2015, 34(7): 51-58


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