To deal with the vibra-acoustic problem about power machinery mounted in a cylinder, the adaptive feedforward passive-active vibration isolation model which consists of complex excitations, isolators, and a circular cylindrical shell foundation was established. In frequency domain analysis, output clipping algorithm and leaky algorithm were introduced to consider the output constraint of actuators. Minimization of the total power transmitted to the shell foundation had been compared with two more practical control strategies: the cancellation of radial forces and the cancellation of radial velocities. The coupled vibration transfer equations of the overall system were derived by the substructure mobility approach. Numerical simulation shows that: two algorithms can both receive good active control constraint effects, and can both effectively restrain the phenomenon of power circulation. Using the radial velocities cancellation strategy will change the boundary condition of the shell foundation and result in shell modal peaks moving to higher frequencies. With consideration of the distributed parameter characteristic of passive isolators, the system power spectrum shows some prominent peaks which are the principal acoustic radiation modes at high frequency domain. It can provide theoretical guidance for further experiments and practical applications.
作动器约束 /
自适应前馈控制 /
主动隔振 /
{{custom_keyword}} /
Key words
actuator output constraints /
adaptive feedforward control /
active vibration isolation /
cylindrical shell
{{custom_keyword}} /
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