Reliability analysis based on equipment's performance degradation characteristics is one of the important research directions for reliability technology. As many researchers work on multi-sample analysis, it is limit for single equipment reliability prediction. So, the method of reliability prediction based on state space model is proposed for single sample analysis. First, signals about machine working conditions are determined based on-line monitoring technology for equipment. Secondly, wavelet packet energy is used for characteristic extraction for the monitored signals. Frequency band energy is determined to be as characteristic parameter. Then, the degradation characteristics of signal to noise ratio is improved by moving average filtering processing. Finally, state space model was established to predict degradation characteristics of probability density distribution, and the degree of reliability is calculated. Two real testing example of bearing and milling cutter are used to demonstrate the rationality and effectiveness of this method. It’s a useful method for single sample reliability prediction.
可靠性预测 /
状态空间模型 /
特征提取 /
小波分析 /
{{custom_keyword}} /
Key words
Reliability prediction /
state space model /
feature extraction /
wavelet analysis /
moving average
{{custom_keyword}} /
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