

振动与冲击 ›› 2016, Vol. 35 ›› Issue (1) : 70-73.

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振动与冲击 ›› 2016, Vol. 35 ›› Issue (1) : 70-73.


  • 刘永强1,3,廖英英2,3,杨绍普1,3,郝长生1
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Effects of On-off Semi-active Control on Dynamic Performance of High-speed Electric Multiple Units

  • Yongqiang Liu1,3, Yingying Liao2,3, Shaopu Yang1,3, Changsheng Hao1
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 The effects of on-off semi-active control on lateral ride index, lateral stability and safety of high-speed Electric Multiple Units(EMUs) were researched by using co-simulation methods. Firstly, a dynamic model was built using ADAMS software according to the parameters of some domestic EMUs. Then, with the help of ADAMS-Matlab co-simulation, the dynamic simulation about EMUs with passive and on-off semi-active control were carried out on different railways at different running speeds. Finally, the lateral ride index, lateral stability and safety index were calculated according to simulation results. The results show that with on-off semi-active control strategy, the performance of lateral ride index can be improved 35.5% than passive control. However, the nonlinear critical speed of EMUs was reduced by 16.6%, and the safety index was reduced seriously at high speed. As a result, the on-off semi-active control strategy is need to improve before be applied in railway vehicle.


on-off控制 / 高速动车组 / 动力学性能 / 联合仿真


刘永强1,3,廖英英2,3,杨绍普1,3,郝长生1. On-off控制对高速动车组综合动力学性能的影响分析[J]. 振动与冲击, 2016, 35(1): 70-73
Yongqiang Liu1,3, Yingying Liao2,3, Shaopu Yang1,3, Changsheng Hao1. Effects of On-off Semi-active Control on Dynamic Performance of High-speed Electric Multiple Units[J]. Journal of Vibration and Shock, 2016, 35(1): 70-73


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