
卢晓红 1,王凤晨 1,王华1,王鑫鑫 1,司立坤 1

振动与冲击 ›› 2016, Vol. 35 ›› Issue (1) : 74-82.

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振动与冲击 ›› 2016, Vol. 35 ›› Issue (1) : 74-82.


  • 卢晓红 1,王凤晨 1,王华1,王鑫鑫 1,司立坤 1
作者信息 +

Research Review of Chatter Stability Analysis in Milling Process

  • LU Xiao-hong 1 WANG Feng-chen 1 WANG Hua1 WANG Xin-xin 1 SI Li-kun 1
Author information +
文章历史 +




Literature on chatter stability analysis in milling process is reviewed. Chatter modeling and stability analysis is two key procedure of the method. The mechanisms leading to chatter can be classified as dry fiction effect, mode coupling effect and regenerative effect. Nonlinear regenerative chatter modeling is mainly introduced according to nonlinearity in cutting process and spindle-holder-tool system. Stability analysis is divided into three categories, i.e. frequency domain method, discretization method and numerical simulation method based on the way dynamic model is solved. The feature and applicable situation of each method is generalized. The research findings of chatter stability analysis during micro-milling are introduced in the end of the paper. Due to its size effect, micro-milling has its unique cutting mechanism and characteristics. Compared with milling, the factors considered in micro-milling chatter modeling are different and the methods of stability analysis are mostly similar.


铣削 / 颤振 / 稳定性分析 / 微细铣削

Key words

milling / chatter / stability analysis / micro-milling


卢晓红 1,王凤晨 1,王华1,王鑫鑫 1,司立坤 1. 铣削过程颤振稳定性分析的研究进展[J]. 振动与冲击, 2016, 35(1): 74-82
LU Xiao-hong 1 WANG Feng-chen 1 WANG Hua1 WANG Xin-xin 1 SI Li-kun 1 . Research Review of Chatter Stability Analysis in Milling Process[J]. Journal of Vibration and Shock, 2016, 35(1): 74-82


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