Numerical simulation of blast wave propagation and its interaction with hyperbolic shell structures are studied. And the method for predicting blast loads on the structure is proposed. Using the multi-material Eulerian and Lagrangian coupling algorithm, several models considering fluid-structure interaction with different scaled distance are established. Parametric studies are conducted to investigate the peak overpressure distribution of blast loading along the height and the circumference of the structure, the reflected peak overpressure amplification factor of basic point are also investigated. Fitting functions are derived. The results show that reflected peak overpressure in back of the structure (region ranged from 0 degrees to 90 degrees) is so small that it is negligible in the analysis of structural dynamic response, compared to that in front of the structure. The peak overpressure along the circumference and height of the structure has little impact on the scaled distance. Except that the local circumferential distribution need to be fitted with wave function, the remaining part can be fitted with a liner function. The reflected peak overpressure amplification factor of basic point has exponential relationship with scaled distance. Based on the research results, a blast load model for hyperbolic shell structures is proposed.
双曲线型壳体结构 /
数值模拟 /
地面爆炸 /
荷载分布 /
{{custom_keyword}} /
Key words
Hyperbolic shell structures /
Numerical simulation /
Surface explosion /
Loading distribution /
Blast load model
{{custom_keyword}} /
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