The free-field vibration induced by large shaking-table was studied by analysis and measurement. The mass-spring-damping model is reasonable that the lumped mass is afforded by shaking-table foundation while the restoring force and damping force are afforded by foundation soil. Based on the displacement frequency response curve by using sweep experiment, the natural frequency of the foundation was obtained. The shaking-table induced free-field acceleration is only 5 gal while the table acceleration is 1.5 g. The vibration attenuation law with distance follows the exponential relationship. The full load operation of the shaking table is no significant impact on human bodies’ health and safety of buildings without layout of precise instruments and high-tech facilities.
地震模拟振动台 /
振动影响 /
质点-弹簧-阻尼模型 /
{{custom_keyword}} /
Key words
shaking-table /
vibration influence /
mass-spring-damping model /
attenuation law
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