

振动与冲击 ›› 2016, Vol. 35 ›› Issue (18) : 210-213.

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振动与冲击 ›› 2016, Vol. 35 ›› Issue (18) : 210-213.


  • 任奕舟1,邹早建1,2
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Numerical simulation of continuous icebreaking by an icebreaker in level ice

  • REN Yizhou1, ZOU Zaojian1,2
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Abstract:A numerical model of ice material was introduced for simulating the continuous icebreaking by an icebreaker in level ice.The numerical model was validated by comparing the numerical simulation results with the measured data in compressive cone-shaped ice experiments.The material model was applied to the numerical simulation of collision between the icebreaker and level ice in infinite ice field, and the icebreaking resistance was calculated.The results of numerical simulation and the icebreaking resistance calculated with different shape of bow and different ice thickness were compared with those by empirical formula.


冰材料模型 / 破冰阻力 / 冰层 / 数值模拟

Key words

ice material model / icebreaking resistance / level ice / numerical simulation


任奕舟1,邹早建1,2. 破冰船在冰层中连续破冰过程的数值模拟[J]. 振动与冲击, 2016, 35(18): 210-213
REN Yizhou1, ZOU Zaojian1,2. Numerical simulation of continuous icebreaking by an icebreaker in level ice[J]. Journal of Vibration and Shock, 2016, 35(18): 210-213


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