In view of the curved bridge damaged severely in the earthquake and repaired difficult after the earthquake, the floating seismic system of curved bridge was been proposed; the basic concept, composition and design method of the floating systerm were been analysed, the working principle of the floating system was been discussed as well. A 1:20 scale curved model bridge was been built with floating seismic system, shaking table test and finite element analysis were also been conducted for this model bridge. The results show that when the model bridge designd by floating seismic system, comparing the peak acceleration at the top of the pier with the peak acceleration at the bottom, the maximum reduction rate was 24.6 percent; because of the beam floated above the pier, the force of the pier reduced; the model bridge was not collasping in the test, it indicate that the seismic performance of the floating seismic system is good and can be used to design a curved bridge which is in the high seismic intensity area.
曲线桥梁 /
漂浮抗震体系 /
振动台试验 /
有限元分析 /
{{custom_keyword}} /
Key words
curved bridge /
floating seismic system /
shaking table test /
finite element /
seismic performance
{{custom_keyword}} /
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