
庞哲楠1,张国良1,羊 帆1,2,吴 戈1,陈志侃1

振动与冲击 ›› 2016, Vol. 35 ›› Issue (23) : 14-22.

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振动与冲击 ›› 2016, Vol. 35 ›› Issue (23) : 14-22.


  • 庞哲楠1,张国良1,羊 帆1,2,吴 戈1,陈志侃1
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Global Sliding Mode Tracking Control and ESO Vibration Suppression for Free-Floating Flexible Space Robot Based on Singular Perturbation Method

  • PANG Zhe-nan1, ZHANG Guo-liang1, YANG Fan1,2, WU Ge1, CHEN Zhi-kan1
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Joints trajectory tracking control and flexible vibration active suppression techniques for a free-floating flexible space robot (FFFSR) are discussed under parameter uncertainties and bounded disturbance. A composite controller containing a slow control subsystem for joints trajectory tracking control and a fast control subsystem for describing flexible vibration is proposed using singular perturbation method. In the slow subsystem, an improved global sliding mode function with a low pass filter to suppress sliding mode chattering is designed to achieve global robust and fast convergence of the tracking. The fast subsystem adopts an extended state observer (ESO) to estimate coordinate derivatives of flexible modal and uncertain disturbance, which can hardly be measured, and use LQR method to suppress the flexible vibration. Numerical simulation results demonstrate the feasibility and effectiveness of the proposed control strategy.


柔性空间机器人 / 奇异摄动法 / 全局滑模控制 / 低通滤波器 / 扩张状态观测器 / 不确定性

Key words

Free-Floating Flexible Space Robot(FFFSR) / Singular Perturbation Method / Global Sliding Mode Control(GSMC) / Low-Pass Filter(LPF) / Extended State Observer(ESO) / Uncertainty


庞哲楠1,张国良1,羊 帆1,2,吴 戈1,陈志侃1. 基于奇异摄动法的FFFSR全局滑模跟踪控制及ESO振动抑制[J]. 振动与冲击, 2016, 35(23): 14-22
PANG Zhe-nan1, ZHANG Guo-liang1, YANG Fan1,2, WU Ge1, CHEN Zhi-kan1. Global Sliding Mode Tracking Control and ESO Vibration Suppression for Free-Floating Flexible Space Robot Based on Singular Perturbation Method[J]. Journal of Vibration and Shock, 2016, 35(23): 14-22


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