Each pedestrian is simulated as a lump mass and two spring-damper legs and walking crowd-structure interaction (CSI) model is established employing the Lagrange’s equations. First of all, the structural response and dynamic characteristics of crowd-structure system are studied. Second, the crowd number inducing structural response is analyzed. Finally, two different walking styles including queue and side by side inducing different structural response are researched. The simulation analysis shows that the change of structural response and crow-structure system’s dynamic characteristics are increased along with the increment of crowd number. However, the walking style of queue occupying a more uniform distribution crowd density can effectively reduce the response of structure. In order to avoid resonance or exceed fluctuation, the narrow cross section and longitudinal dredge facilities on the deck is recommended to applying the footbridge design.
数值模拟 /
人群-结构相互作用 /
模态特征 /
结构响应 /
{{custom_keyword}} /
Key words
numerical simulation /
crowd-structure interaction /
modal characteristics /
structural response /
walking styles of crowd
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