
黄意新 1,赵 阳 1,郭 剑 2,田 浩 1

振动与冲击 ›› 2016, Vol. 35 ›› Issue (24) : 132-138.

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振动与冲击 ›› 2016, Vol. 35 ›› Issue (24) : 132-138.


  • 黄意新 1,赵  阳 1,郭  剑 2,田  浩 1
作者信息 +

Design and analysis of a novel on-orbit capture mechanism for GEO satellites

  • HUANG Yi-xin 1   ZHAO Yang 1  GUO Jian 2  TIAN Hao 1
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针对地球静止轨道(GEO)卫星在轨服务需求不断增加,但缺乏专用捕获接口的问题,提出一种 GEO 卫星远地点发动机喷管捕获机构。该机构主要包括三爪式喷管捕获机构、伞状导向缓冲机构及喷管支撑与分离机构。介绍了喷管包络捕获原理,通过对喷管包络捕获过程中运动学关系及碰撞检测问题的分析,给出了喷管无碰撞包络的捕获条件,并提出了减速捕获策略。引入赫兹模型建立了捕获机构接触碰撞动力学模型,采用ADAMS进行了动力学仿真分析。结果表明,在两星接近速度及捕获爪驱动速度满足捕获条件的情况下捕获机构能可靠地捕获目标星喷管,采用减速捕获策略可使捕获时碰撞力峰值减小50%以上。


On-orbit servicing for GEO satellites, such as orbital life extension, rescuing and deorbiting, is going to be a valuable task from the commercial prospective. However, GEO satellites lack capturing interface as cooperative targets have. So a three-claw type capturing mechanism is designed to grasp the liquid apogee nozzle that is a common part in GEO Satellites. The kinetic model of the capturing process is established. According to that, a collision-free enveloping method and a decelerating grasping strategy are proposed. The Hertz model is applied as the impact model when capturing and dynamic analysis is conducted by using ADAMS software. Results show that by controlling the approach speed of satellites and the drive speed of capturing mechanism the GEO satellite’s nozzle can be enveloped and captured reliably, using decelerating grasping strategy the amplitude of impact force is reduce by 50%, and the process is more smooth and steady.


地球静止轨道卫星 / 远地点发动机喷管 / 在轨服务 / 捕获机构

Key words

Geostationary satellite / Apogee engine nozzle / On-orbit servicing / Capturing mechanism


黄意新 1,赵 阳 1,郭 剑 2,田 浩 1. 一种新型GEO卫星在轨捕获机构的设计与分析[J]. 振动与冲击, 2016, 35(24): 132-138
HUANG Yi-xin 1 ZHAO Yang 1 GUO Jian 2 TIAN Hao 1. Design and analysis of a novel on-orbit capture mechanism for GEO satellites[J]. Journal of Vibration and Shock, 2016, 35(24): 132-138


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