By establishing the differential Jacobian matrix equation of parallel prototypical mechanism, the vector isomorphic mapping between planar integrated fully compliant parallel mechanism and parallel prototypical mechanism is realized. On this basis, the SIMP topology optimization model of 3-PRR type planar integrated fully compliant parallel mechanism is build, and optimization criteria algorithm is adopted, combined with the vector isomorphic mapping equation, the isomorphic structure of 3-PRR type planar integrated fully compliant parallel robot is design. By comparing its simulation of stress distribution and first four vibration natural frequencies, it shown that the topology optimization method introduced in this paper make planar integrated fully compliant parallel mechanism had enough uniform stiffness and better performance of vibration suppression, and the analysis of its vibration frequencies provide important basis for size and modal optimization of mechanism. Meanwhile, the simulation of differential kinematical characteristics shown kinematics of isomorphism between planar integrated fully compliant parallel mechanism and traditional parallel prototypical mechanism. The method and analysis above may be helpful for structural designing of planar integrated fully compliant parallel mechanism.
平面整体式三自由度全柔顺并联机构 /
微分矢量同构映射 /
拓扑优化 /
{{custom_keyword}} /
Key words
planar integrated 3-DOF fully compliant parallel manipulator, differential vector isomorphic mapping, topology optimization, /
vibration natural frequency
{{custom_keyword}} /
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