

振动与冲击 ›› 2016, Vol. 35 ›› Issue (6) : 41-46.

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振动与冲击 ›› 2016, Vol. 35 ›› Issue (6) : 41-46.


  • 蒋清山,钱林方,陈光宋
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Lightweight design of an auto loading mechanism based on global sensitivity analysis

  • JIANG Qing-shan,QIAN Lin-fang,CHEN Guang-song
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针对某自动装填机构轻量化设计中出现参数多、模型计算量大等问题,提出将全局灵敏度分析与代理模型技术相结合的优化策略。通过基于Morris轨迹的全局灵敏度分析从32个系统参数中确定14个关键参数,基于拉丁超立方采样技术及径向基函数神经网络技术(Radial basis function neural networks, RBF NN)建立系统响应关于关键参数的代理模型,用多岛遗传算法对系统参数进行优化求解,致机构重量下降21.8%。数值检验结果表明仅含关键参数的代理模型预测精度较高,证明该方法在多参数复杂系统结构轻量化设计中的有效性。


An optimization strategy composed of a global sensitive analysis method and surrogate model technology was proposed for the problems of large parameter scale and expensive computing cost in the lightweight design of an auto loading system. Global sensitive analysis based on Morris trajectory was carried out to determining the 14 important parameters from 32 ones. Simulations were performed on the Latin Hypercube Sampling points of important parameters, surrogate model of the responses about which was established based on RBF NN (Radial basis function neural networks). The optimal lightweight solution was obtained by the Multi-Island Genetic Algorithm with which the weight of the loading mechanism was reduced 21.8%. Numerical example shows that the surrogate model only with important parameters predicts well. The optimization strategy was proved efficient in the lightweight design of complex system.


自动装填 / 全局灵敏度分析 / 轻量化设计 / 参数优化

Key words

auto loading / global sensitivity analysis / lightweight design / parameter optimization


蒋清山,钱林方,陈光宋. 基于全局灵敏度分析的某自动装填机构轻量化设计[J]. 振动与冲击, 2016, 35(6): 41-46
JIANG Qing-shan,QIAN Lin-fang,CHEN Guang-song. Lightweight design of an auto loading mechanism based on global sensitivity analysis[J]. Journal of Vibration and Shock, 2016, 35(6): 41-46
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