对车辆段内咽喉区、试车线和运用库的地铁列车荷载进行了实测,获得了其时频特性。基于不同线路条件、行车速度下的实测结果,分析了地铁列车荷载特性的主要影响因素。研究结果表明:地铁列车通过时,咽喉区轨枕的铅垂向加速度幅值为10~15m/s2,荷载以高频成分为主,主频段为60~150Hz;试车线轨枕的铅垂向加速度幅值为5~6m/s2,荷载主频段为60~100Hz;运用库的振动量值较小,实测的铅垂向加速度幅值为1~2 cm/s2,荷载的主频段为30~50Hz。对地铁车辆段列车,与行车速度相比,列车荷载振动量值对线路的平顺度更为敏感。
In this paper, the subway train loadings of different line areas including throat zone, test lines and operation zone, were measured and the time and frequency characteristics were obtained. Based on the observations under different line conditions and traveling speeds, the main factor that would affect the load was analyzed. It is shown that, when a train passing by, the amplitude of the vertical acceleration of the sleeper in throat zone reaches 10~15m/s2, with its predominate frequency ranges between 60~150Hz, while the acceleration response in test lines is 5~6m/s2, with its predominate frequency ranges between 60~100Hz, and value is relatively small in the operation zone, with its amplitude varies between 1~2 cm/s2 and its predominate frequency 30~50Hz. Furthermore, for car depot, compared to traveling speed, the vibration magnitude of the train loading is more sensitive to the line conditions and roughness.
车辆段 /
地铁列车荷载 /
实测 /
时频特性 /
{{custom_keyword}} /
Key words
car depot /
subway train loading /
field measurement /
time-frequency characteristics /
throat zone
{{custom_keyword}} /
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