
王强 1,2,刘永葆 1,2,贺星 1,2, 刘树勇1

振动与冲击 ›› 2016, Vol. 35 ›› Issue (8) : 14-20.

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振动与冲击 ›› 2016, Vol. 35 ›› Issue (8) : 14-20.


  • 王强 1,2 , 刘永葆 1,2,贺星 1,2, 刘树勇1
作者信息 +

Hybrid System Fault Diagnosis Method Based on Noise Variance Adaptive Correction

  • Wang Qiang1,2  Liu Yong-bao1,2, He Xing1,2 ,Liu Shu-yong1
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文章历史 +




 For hybrid system fault diagnosis problem in noise statistics properties time-varying, this paper proposed a multimodal fault diagnosis method based on noise variance adaptive relevant correction. First of all, within the framework of particle filter, hybrid system fault diagnosis is modeled as optimal state estimation and tracking problem, and real-time observation information and each modal prior transition probability is used to estimate the optimal fault mode. The estimating results are modeled separately for incoming analysis. Second, the noise variance adaptive online detection mechanism is built based on the correlation between smoothing estimation and the observation information, and updates the modal noise variance adaptively, which effectively overcomes the filter shift problem results from the time-varying noise statistical properties. The proposed method improves the robustness effectively. Finally, the experiments of three kinds failure modes show that the proposed method is efficient and robust.


混合系统 / 故障诊断 / 粒子滤波 / 噪声统计特性 / 自适应滤波

Key words

Hybrid system / Fault detection / Particle filter / Noise statistical properties / Adaptive filter


王强 1,2,刘永葆 1,2,贺星 1,2, 刘树勇1. 噪声方差自适应修正的混合系统故障诊断方法[J]. 振动与冲击, 2016, 35(8): 14-20
Wang Qiang1,2 Liu Yong-bao1,2, He Xing1,2,Liu Shu-yong1. Hybrid System Fault Diagnosis Method Based on Noise Variance Adaptive Correction[J]. Journal of Vibration and Shock, 2016, 35(8): 14-20


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