
章文峰1,2,卢义玉1,2,汤积仁1,2,黄 飞1,2

振动与冲击 ›› 2016, Vol. 35 ›› Issue (8) : 159-165.

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振动与冲击 ›› 2016, Vol. 35 ›› Issue (8) : 159-165.


  • 章文峰1,2,卢义玉1,2,汤积仁1,2,黄 飞1,2
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Experimental study of velocity distribution of solid abrasive particle in abrasive water jet based on PIV technology

  • ZHANG Wen-feng1,2,LU Yi-yu1,2,TANG Ji-ren1,2,HUANG Fei1,2,LI Liang-wei1,2
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In order to solve the problem of measurement of velocity of abrasive in abrasive water jet,based on PIV technology,combined with image processing and filtering analysis technology,this paper presents a non-contact measurement method ,which is a method for measuring the velocity of abrasive in abrasive water jet. The velocity and location information of abrasive in the abrasive water jet can be obtained simultaneously by this method. By using this approach, an abrasive velocity test experiment was carried out, the experimental results show that: (1) This method can get the velocity of abrasive in abrasive water jet quickly; (2) The variation of velocity of abrasive along the jet direction at the nozzle exit has been obtained. The velocity of abrasive at the nozzle exit increases first and then decreases and the maximum speed exists, which means there is an optimal target distance in abrasive water jet. (3) The variation of velocity of abrasive along the jet radial direction at the nozzle exit has been obtained by using this method. The largest velocity of abrasive is in the center of the abrasive jet. And the velocity gradually decreases from the center to the boundary,shows a bell-shaped velocity profile.



磨料射流 / PIV技术 / 速度分布 / 图像处理 / 加速

Key words

Abrasive water jet;PIV technology / Velocity distribution / Image Processing / Acceleration


章文峰1,2,卢义玉1,2,汤积仁1,2,黄 飞1,2. 基于PIV技术的磨料水射流中固体磨料粒子速度分布实验研究[J]. 振动与冲击, 2016, 35(8): 159-165
ZHANG Wen-feng1,2,LU Yi-yu1,2,TANG Ji-ren1,2,HUANG Fei1,2,LI Liang-wei1,2 . Experimental study of velocity distribution of solid abrasive particle in abrasive water jet based on PIV technology[J]. Journal of Vibration and Shock, 2016, 35(8): 159-165


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