
李园园 1,何欢1,陈国平1,刘庞轮1

振动与冲击 ›› 2016, Vol. 35 ›› Issue (8) : 60-65.

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振动与冲击 ›› 2016, Vol. 35 ›› Issue (8) : 60-65.


  • 李园园 1 ,何欢1,陈国平1,刘庞轮1
作者信息 +

geometric nonlinear static equilibria of composite beams using intrinsic formulation

  • LI Yuanyuan1  HE Huan1   CHEN Guoping1  LIU Panglun1
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文章历史 +




Based on the intrinsic beam theory,this paper solved the large deformation buckling problem of geometric nonlinear composite beam. Using the asymptotic variational method, we can get the stiffness matrix of the composite beam in the light of material properties, and then the static behavior of composite beam can be obtained through the balance equation and constitutive equation. The results showed that: If the composite beam has a single layer, the coupling terms of the stiffness matrix can be ignored and the trends of the deformation configuration, normalized displacements and rotations of the beam end are the same with the isotropic material beams. But for a general composite beam, the coupling terms of its stiffness matrix can not be ignored and the impact of coupling term on displacement and rotation change regularly according to load. When the load is less than 30N, and the coupling term changes the amount of 50%, if the amount of change less than 50%, the displacement and rotation are the same with the initial trends, however, if the change is greater than 50%, they will undergone great changes. But similar to the trends decoupled.


本征梁理论 / 复合材料梁 / 渐近变分法 / 几何非线性 / 大变形 / 屈曲

Key words

Intrinsic beam theory / Composite beam / Variational asymptotic method / Geometric nonlinearity;Large deformation / Buckling


李园园 1,何欢1,陈国平1,刘庞轮1. 基于本征方程求解复合材料梁几何非线性静力平衡[J]. 振动与冲击, 2016, 35(8): 60-65
LI Yuanyuan1 HE Huan1 CHEN Guoping1 LIU Panglun1. geometric nonlinear static equilibria of composite beams using intrinsic formulation[J]. Journal of Vibration and Shock, 2016, 35(8): 60-65


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