
王方 1,韩勇 1,李桂兵 2,杨济匡 3

振动与冲击 ›› 2016, Vol. 35 ›› Issue (8) : 90-96.

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振动与冲击 ›› 2016, Vol. 35 ›› Issue (8) : 90-96.


  • 王方 1,韩勇 1,李桂兵 2,杨济匡 3
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Finite Element Analysis of the Effect of Material Properties on Human Thoracic Impact Response

  • Wang Fang 1, Han Yong 1, Li Gui-bing 2, Yang Ji-kuang 3
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研究目的是分析正面冲击载荷条件下,胸腔骨骼结构和软组织结构材料参数的变化对胸部不同碰撞响应参数的影响。采用一个已经建立并验证的人体胸部有限元模型,基于胸腔骨骼和软组织的多个材料参数,进行正面冲击载荷下的胸部碰撞模拟,分别输出主要的胸部响应参数值,并采用标准多项式拟合方法详细对比分析了胸部材料参数发生变化时胸腔的不同响应。结果表明胸腔骨骼和软组织材料参数的变化对正面碰撞载荷下胸部碰撞响应的影响程度各不相同。其中,骨骼和软组织材料参数的变化对胸部碰撞力(Fmax)和胸部变形量(Dmax)的影响显著,肋骨骨折数(NRF)和T12加速度(Gmax-T12)的影响次之,而材料参数的变化对胸部变形速率(Vmax)和T1加速度(Gmax-T1)的影响较小。同时,Fmax, Dmax, Gmax-T12等参数主要受软组织材料参数的影响,而肋骨骨折数(NRF)则更多受到骨骼材料参数变化的影响。


The purpose of the current study was to analyze the influence of the changes of the material of the human thoracic skeleton and soft tissues on the thorax responses under frontal impact loading condition. A series of human thorax impact simulations were conducted based on a developed and validated human thorax finite element (FE) model. A number of thoracic response parameters were output to investigate the effect of material properties changes on the predicted thoracic responses by using polynomial fitting analysis method. The results of the simulations indicated that the varying of thoracic material properties affects the impact responses with different level. The impact force (Fmax) and chest deflection (Dmax) were affected obviously, and the number of rib fracture (NRF) and T12 acceleration (Gmax-T12) were secondly effected by the material properties. However, the influence of the material properties on the deflection rate (Vmax) and T1 acceleration (Gmax-T1) were small. Specifically, the Fmax, Dmax, Gmax-T12 were mainly influenced by the soft tissue material properties, while the NRF was primarily determined by the thoracic skeletal structure material properties.


人体胸部 / 有限元模型 / 材料参数 / 碰撞响应

Key words

human thorax / finite element model / material properties / impact response


王方 1,韩勇 1,李桂兵 2,杨济匡 3. 基于有限元模拟的人体胸部材料参数对其碰撞响应影响分析[J]. 振动与冲击, 2016, 35(8): 90-96
Wang Fang 1, Han Yong 1, Li Gui-bing 2, Yang Ji-kuang 3. Finite Element Analysis of the Effect of Material Properties on Human Thoracic Impact Response[J]. Journal of Vibration and Shock, 2016, 35(8): 90-96


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