
周述美,鲍跃全,李 惠

振动与冲击 ›› 2016, Vol. 35 ›› Issue (9) : 135-140.

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振动与冲击 ›› 2016, Vol. 35 ›› Issue (9) : 135-140.


  • 周述美,鲍跃全,李 惠
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Structural Damage Identification Based on Structural Sensitivity Analysis and Sparse Regularized Optimization

  • ZHOU Shu-mei, BAO Yue-quan, LI Hui
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在反问题求解中引入稀疏约束条件是当前应用数学领域的研究热点,结构损伤识别是典型的结构动力学反问题,且结构的损伤具有空间稀疏性,也即结构损伤发生时,只有部分单元或子结构出现损伤,本文基于结构灵敏度分析与稀疏约束优化,提出了一种结构损伤识别方法。通过结构灵敏度分析,建立结构损伤刚度参数的变化量与模态参数变化量之间的线性方程组,由于实测自由度有限,引入结构损伤稀疏性的条件,采用最小化l1范数优化求解。通过桁架模型的数值模拟,在考虑测量噪声的基础上,对多损伤工况进行了识别,与不考虑稀疏约束的损伤识别结果进行了对比, 并对测点布置与数量对识别结果的影响进行了研究。仿真分析结果表明该方法可以在较少的测点下,有效的识别结构损伤的位置与程度,并且考虑稀疏约束可以明显增加损伤识别结果的准确性。


Sparsity constraints are now very popular to regularize inverse problems in the field of applied mathematics. Structural damage identification is a typical inverse problem of structural dynamics and structural damage is a spatial sparse phenomenon, i.e., when structural damage occurs, only part of elements or substructures are damaged. In this paper, a structural damage identification method based on the structural sensitivity analysis and the sparse constraints regularization is proposed. Based on structural sensitivity analysis, the relation between structural damage stiffness parameter variation and change of modal parameters of linear equations is established. Considering the structural damage sparsity conditions, the sparse regularized optimization method is employed to obtain solution. The numerical example of a truss structure with considering measurement noise, incomplete of measurements and multi-damage cases are carried out. The effects of number sensor and layout to the identification results are also investigated. The results indicate that the damage locations and extents can be effectively identified by the proposed method. With considering sparsity constraint, the accuracy of structural damage identification is obviously increased.


结构健康监测 / 结构损伤识别 / 压缩感知 / 结构灵敏度 / 稀疏约束优化

Key words

structural health monitoring / compressive sampling / structural damage identification / structural sensitivity analysis / sparse regularized optimization


周述美,鲍跃全,李 惠. 基于结构灵敏度分析与稀疏约束优化的结构损伤识别方法[J]. 振动与冲击, 2016, 35(9): 135-140
ZHOU Shu-mei, BAO Yue-quan, LI Hui. Structural Damage Identification Based on Structural Sensitivity Analysis and Sparse Regularized Optimization[J]. Journal of Vibration and Shock, 2016, 35(9): 135-140


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