

振动与冲击 ›› 2016, Vol. 35 ›› Issue (9) : 197-203.

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振动与冲击 ›› 2016, Vol. 35 ›› Issue (9) : 197-203.


  • 孙瑶1,杨铁军1,沈颖2,黄迪1,吴磊1,徐阳1
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Active noise control of the flexible base of a two-stage vibration isolation system

  • Sun Yao1, Yang Tie-jun1, Shen Ying2, Huang Di1, Wu Lei1, Xu Yang1
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In order to evaluate control performances of different feed-forward strategies for sound radiated from the flexible base of a two-stage vibration isolation system, a mathematical model of a two-stage vibration isolation system mounting on a rectangular plate was established. Two vibration and two sound radiation oriented cost functions were chosen and the acoustic radiation power after control was focused. Besides, the control performances were comprehensively discussed by taking parameters like sound pressure distribution, and control force into account. Then the advantages and disadvantages of different control strategies were evaluated. The simulation results show that the vibration oriented control strategies could induce the increase of radiated power at specific frequencies while the control performance of sound radiation oriented strategies may be obtained with enlarging vibration power and large control force amplitude. In addition, the effect of the location of control force on sound radiation was discussed.


双层隔振 / 弹性基础 / 声辐射 / 主动控制

Key words

two-stage vibration isolation;flexible base / sound radiation / active control


孙瑶1,杨铁军1,沈颖2,黄迪1,吴磊1,徐阳1. 弹性基础上的双层隔振结构声辐射的主动控制[J]. 振动与冲击, 2016, 35(9): 197-203
Sun Yao1, Yang Tie-jun1, Shen Ying2, Huang Di1, Wu Lei1, Xu Yang1. Active noise control of the flexible base of a two-stage vibration isolation system[J]. Journal of Vibration and Shock, 2016, 35(9): 197-203


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