

于潇雁, 陈力

振动与冲击 ›› 2017, Vol. 36 ›› Issue (11) : 176-182.

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振动与冲击 ›› 2017, Vol. 36 ›› Issue (11) : 176-182.



  • 于潇雁, 陈力
作者信息 +

Augmented kinematic control based adaptive sliding velocity observer and vibration suppress based linear velocity observer for a free-floating two-link flexible space manipulator with external disturbances

  •   YU Xiao-yan   CHEN Li
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The augmented kinematic control and vibration suppress based velocity observer for a free-floating two-flexible-link space manipulator with external disturbances is addressed. Firstly the dynamic model of a free-floating two-flexible-link space manipulator is established by the momentum conservation and the Lagrange equations. Secondly based on singular perturbation approach,a singular perturbation model has been formulated, which consists of a slow subsystem and a flexible-link fast subsystem. The fast subsystem represents the vibration of the flexible links, and the slow subsystem represents the rigid movement of the system. Then a composite controller which consists of a slow control component and a fast control component is proposed. The slow subsystem’s estimated velocity is constructed by an adaptive sliding velocity observer. Based on the estimated velocity of the slow subsystem, an augmented adaptive control algorithm is applied to the slow subsystem to track the desired trajectory of the base attitude and the joints. The estimated velocity of the fast subsystem is constructed by a linear velocity observer. Based on the estimated velocity of the fast subsystem, the fast controller is designed to damp out the vibration of the flexible links by using optimal Linear Quadratic Regulator (LQR) method. Finally the numerical simulation is carried out, which demonstrates the controller proposed is feasible and effective. The virtue of this control scheme is that the linear position, linear velocity, linear acceleration of the base, the angular velocities, angular accelerations of the joints as well as the derivatives of the flexible vibration modes needn’t be measured directly.


飘浮基两杆柔性空间机械臂 / 奇异摄动法 / 自适应控制 / 增广法 / 速度观测器 / 振动最优控制

Key words

 free-floating two-flexible-link space manipulator / singular perturbation approach / adaptive control / augmented approach / velocity observer / vibration optimum control


于潇雁, 陈力.

飘浮基两杆柔性空间机械臂基于速度观测器的增广自适应控制[J]. 振动与冲击, 2017, 36(11): 176-182

YU Xiao-yan CHEN Li . Augmented kinematic control based adaptive sliding velocity observer and vibration suppress based linear velocity observer for a free-floating two-link flexible space manipulator with external disturbances[J]. Journal of Vibration and Shock, 2017, 36(11): 176-182


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