While engineering structures served there will be cracks and other forms of damage, the structure dynamics parameters and the form of energy transmission will also change subsequently, so the research and identification of structural damage based on vibration is very important in engineering application. The energy finite element method is used to analyze vibration characteristics of plate and coupled plates contained damage, example calculated respectively by energy finite element method and the finite element method of plate energy density are compared to verify the accuracy of energy finite element method. Based on the proposed two damage identification index included energy density variation and structural acoustic intensity changes are studied on visualization, then by comparing them, it is further determined that the energy finite element structural intensity changes can effectively identify the damage position of the plate structure and applied in the coupled plate. For the future of energy finite element method is further applied to structural damage identification and provides the basic foundation.
结构损伤 /
能量有限元法 /
能量密度 /
{{custom_keyword}} /
Key words
structure damage /
energy finite element /
energy density /
structural intensity
{{custom_keyword}} /
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