

振动与冲击 ›› 2017, Vol. 36 ›› Issue (19) : 125-134.

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振动与冲击 ›› 2017, Vol. 36 ›› Issue (19) : 125-134.


  • 涂志斌,黄铭枫,楼文娟
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Extreme load effects on a bridge tower-basement system due to the joint actions of wind and wave based on EC method

  • Tu Zhi-bin,Huang Ming-feng,Lou Wen-juan
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A simplified algorithm was developed to construct the limit state line of several random variables, aiming to change the situation that the limit state line constructed by Rosenblatt transformation was difficult. By searching the expected values of variables which satisfied the marginal distributions, joint cumulative distribution and reliability index simultaneously, the simplified algorithm turned the calculation of conditional distribution function and its inverse function to the inverse function of marginal distribution, and then the construction of the limit state line was simplified. Taking a bridge tower-basement system as an engineering example and the wind-wave simultaneous observation data of Weizhou marine station as statistic sample, the joint cumulative distribution function of wind and wave was estimated by an copula function, the limit state line of wind and wave was constructed by the proposed algorithm, and the extreme load effects of the base shear force were estimated by EC method and compared with those estimated by a statistical extrapolation method. It is demonstrated that the extreme load effects estimated by EC method together with the simplified algorithm is precisely accurate.



极限荷载效应 / 极限状态曲线 / 风浪联合作用 / EC法 / Copula函数

Key words

Extreme load effect / limit state line / joint action of wind and wave / Environmental contour Method / Copula


涂志斌,黄铭枫,楼文娟. 基于EC法的风浪联合作用主塔-基础体系极限荷载效应[J]. 振动与冲击, 2017, 36(19): 125-134
Tu Zhi-bin,Huang Ming-feng,Lou Wen-juan. Extreme load effects on a bridge tower-basement system due to the joint actions of wind and wave based on EC method[J]. Journal of Vibration and Shock, 2017, 36(19): 125-134


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