

振动与冲击 ›› 2017, Vol. 36 ›› Issue (19) : 98-105.

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振动与冲击 ›› 2017, Vol. 36 ›› Issue (19) : 98-105.


  • 陈正寿1,2,张国辉1,3,赵宗文1,程枳宁1,郑武4
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  • CHEN Zheng-shou1,2, ZHANG Guo-hui1,3,ZHAO Zong-wen1, CHENG Zhi-ning1,ZHENG Wu4
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The pressure fluctuation around the tidal current turbine blades is one of the key factors to destroy the stability of turbine operation. The tidal current turbine blades were simulated numerically by using one-way and two-way fluid-structure interaction (FSI) and sliding mesh technology. Through analyze the unsteady flow around the tidal current turbine blades, the stress characteristics、the pressure fluctuation and the corresponding frequency spectra at different monitoring points for three operating conditions were obtained. The results showed that the maximum deformation and maximum stress were calculated under two-way FSI are slightly larger than one-way. With the increase of flow rate, the increasing range of the maximum deformation and maximum effective stress begin to decrease. The pressure pulsation amplitude of turbine mainly shows a trend of decline from the tip to the hub. The pressure pulsation of the main frequency of turbine concentrates around the blade frequency under the corresponding operating conditions and the amplitude of the pressure fluctuations on the pressure side of the blade passage is larger than that on the suction side.


潮流能 / 水轮机 / 流固耦合 / 压力脉动

Key words

tidal current energy / tidal current turbine / FSI / pressure fluctuation


陈正寿1,2,张国辉1,3,赵宗文1,程枳宁1,郑武4. 潮流能水轮机叶轮压力脉动特性分析[J]. 振动与冲击, 2017, 36(19): 98-105
CHEN Zheng-shou1,2, ZHANG Guo-hui1,3,ZHAO Zong-wen1, CHENG Zhi-ning1,ZHENG Wu4. CHARACTERISTIC ANALYSIS OF PRESSURE FLUCTUATION ABOUT TIDAL CURRENT TURBINE BLADES[J]. Journal of Vibration and Shock, 2017, 36(19): 98-105


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