

振动与冲击 ›› 2017, Vol. 36 ›› Issue (21) : 203-212.

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振动与冲击 ›› 2017, Vol. 36 ›› Issue (21) : 203-212.


  • 宁少武1,史治宇1,胥馨尹2
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Active Double-Panel Sound Insulation Structure Based on Active Acoustical Boundary Acting at the Boundaries of Air Gap Sound Field

  • NING Shaowu1, SHI Zhiyu1, XU Xinyin2
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Based on active acoustical boundary method the active double-panel sound insulation structure , which consists of the double-panel structure and the active acoustical boundary arranged on the boundary of the air gap sound field, is presented. Simply supported panels are used to replace the active acoustical boundary and are acted by control forces. Using the acoustoelsticity theory an analytical model is developed to calculate the optimal control forces with the minimum radiation sound power and the minimum air gap sound power as control target. On the basis of developed theoretical model, the sound transmission loss (STL) and responses of the subsystems of the active double-panel sound insulation structure are studied before and after control. Meanwhile, the effect of the dimensions of the active acoustical boundary on STL and responses of the subsystems are taken into account. The simulations carried out have shown that active acoustical boundary control strategy can effectively improve the sound insulation performance of double-panel structure and the better control effect can be gotten with the minimum radiation sound power than that with the minimum air gap sound power. The active acoustical boundary has no influence on the vibration response of the upper panel whilst the vibration responses of the lower panel and the air gap sound power are suppressed effectively. Different dimensions of the active acoustical boundaries can improve the sound insulation performance. Especially, in low frequency the same insulation performance is gotten for the different dimensions, but in the high frequency, the effect of the dimensions of the active acoustical boundaries on the STL and responses of the subsystems has no rules to follow, so the dimensions of the active acoustical boundaries can be optimal to improve the insulation performance for specific frequency range.


主动声学边界方法 / 声弹性理论 / 声传递损失 / 有源隔声双层板结构 / 辐射声功率

Key words

Active acoustical boundary method / Acoustoelsticity theory / Sound transmission loss / Active double-panel sound insulation structure / Radiation sound power


宁少武1,史治宇1,胥馨尹2. 夹层边界上布置主动声学边界的有源隔声双层板结构[J]. 振动与冲击, 2017, 36(21): 203-212
NING Shaowu1, SHI Zhiyu1, XU Xinyin2. Active Double-Panel Sound Insulation Structure Based on Active Acoustical Boundary Acting at the Boundaries of Air Gap Sound Field[J]. Journal of Vibration and Shock, 2017, 36(21): 203-212


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