

振动与冲击 ›› 2017, Vol. 36 ›› Issue (22) : 6-13.

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振动与冲击 ›› 2017, Vol. 36 ›› Issue (22) : 6-13.


  • 朱志辉1,2,程玉莹1,龚威1,蔡成标3,郭向荣1
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Research on local vibration of long-span cable-stayed bridgesinduced bytrain load

  • ZHU Zhi-hui1,2,CHENG Yu-ying1,GONG Wei1,Cai Cheng-biao3,GUO Xiang-rong1
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In order to investigate the local response of main girder and steel deck induced by traveling train in long-span cable-stayed bridge,a spatial coupling dynamic modelof train,track and cable-stayed bridge was established based on the theory of vehicle-bridge coupling vibration. In the proposed method,the fixed-interface component mode synthesis method and equivalent orthotropic plate method were employed to build the fine finite element model of long-span cable-stayed bridge,the vehicle was modeled as amass-spring-damper system with a two-layer suspension system at 31degrees of freedom,and the spatialrollcontact between wheel and rail was used to simulate the wheel-rail contact relationship. Hutong Yangtze River cable-stayed bridge,the length of main span is1092m,was taken to investigate the distribution law andcharacteristics of vibrationof bridge deck and main truss girder induced byhigh speed trains. It is indicated that equivalent orthotropic plate method could well reflect the local vibration of bridge deck,but the vibration displacement of main girderhas certain deviation withoutconsidering the consistency of the overall stiffness of the main girderafter the equivalence.The vertical acceleration of deck beneath the running lane is far greater than the points in main girder truss due to the smaller localverticalstiffnessof deck.When evaluating the serviceability of long-span plate-truss cable-stayed bridge according to relevant codes of railway bridges, the influence of bridge deck vibration should be considered. The impact coefficient of the main girder truss bar stress is small under dynamic train loading,which shows thatdynamic influence is not obvious.


固定界面模态综合法 / 局部动力响应 / 大跨度斜拉桥 / 车-桥耦合振动 / 轮轨接触

Key words

Fixed-interface component mode synthesis method(FCMS) / Local dynamic response / Long-span cable-stayed bridge / Train-bridge coupling vibration / Wheel-rail contact


朱志辉1,2,程玉莹1,龚威1,蔡成标3,郭向荣1. 列车动力荷载作用下大跨度斜拉桥局部振动响应研究[J]. 振动与冲击, 2017, 36(22): 6-13
ZHU Zhi-hui1,2,CHENG Yu-ying1,GONG Wei1,Cai Cheng-biao3,GUO Xiang-rong1. Research on local vibration of long-span cable-stayed bridgesinduced bytrain load[J]. Journal of Vibration and Shock, 2017, 36(22): 6-13


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