针对面向自主无人在轨服务的微小型航天器上使用的杆锥式对接机构,提出了一种在对接杆末端加缓冲系统的软对接方案。基于Lagrange方法建立了对接系统的三维动力学模型,并运用虚功原理求解广义力矩阵;接触点的确定采用接触搜索算法,提出了截面法,将三维空间搜索问题转化为二维平面求解;根据接触点的相对位置和速度关系,提出了三维空间中求解切向接触力的方法。 并且通过有限元方法与理论模型相比较,对理论模型进行了验证。通过对捕获锁的简化设计,制定了对接系统捕获的评判准则,并在不同的缓冲性能下进行动力学仿真分析,探讨缓冲参数变化对微小卫星对接过程的影响,提出了缓冲参数的优选方法,为锥杆式对接机构的缓冲系统设计提供有价值的参考。
Aiming at probe-cone docking mechanisms used in miniature spacecrafts for unmanned autonomous on-orbit service, a soft docking scheme of adding a buffer system at the end of the rod butt was proposed. A three-dimensional dynamic model for the docking system was built based on Lagrange method, the principle of virtual work was used to solve the generalized force matrix. The contact search algorithm was utilized to determine contact point positions, the section method was employed to convert a three-dimensional space search problem into a two-dimensional planar solution. According to relative position and relative speed of contact points, a method was proposed to solve a tangential contact force in a three-dimensional space. Moreover, the theoretical model was verified through comparing the results of the finite element method with those of this model. Assessment criteria of docking system capture were established through the simplified design of capture lock. Dynamic simulation analyses were performed under different cushioning characteristics. The influence of changes of buffer parameters on docking process of micro-satellites was analyzed, the optimization method for buffer parameters was proposed to provide a valuable reference for the buffer system design of a probe-cone docking mechanism.
杆锥式对接机构 /
三维动力学 /
Lagrange方法 /
接触搜索算法 /
{{custom_keyword}} /
Key words
probe-cone docking mechanism /
three-dimensional dynamics /
Lagrange method /
contact search algorithm /
section method
{{custom_keyword}} /
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