

振动与冲击 ›› 2017, Vol. 36 ›› Issue (24) : 35-43.

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振动与冲击 ›› 2017, Vol. 36 ›› Issue (24) : 35-43.


  • 邓云飞?,胡静,崔亚男,何振鹏
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Influences of target plate and rigid projectile on their anti-impact characteristics#br#

  • DENG Yunfei,   HU Jing,  CUI Yanan,  HE Zhenpeng
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In order to investigate influences of target plate and rigid projectile on their anti-impact features, plates made of a single layer of Q235 steel and 45 steel were impacted, respectively by high strength projectiles made of 38CrSiMn in impact tests. Influences of target material characteristics, target thickness and projectile nose shape on target’s anti-impact characteristics were revealed, the transition and condition of the dominant failure characteristic of targets under various impacts were analyzed. The test results indicated that the influence of projectile nose shape on its ballistic limit is related to target material characteristics and thickness; for thin plate target, projectile nose shape is more sensitive to lower strength material of target, but for thick plate target, projectile nose shape is more sensitive to higher strength material of target; target’s ballistic limit increases with increase in its thickness; target thickness has the biggest influence on the ballistic limit of oval-nosed projectile, it has the secondary effect on that of hemispherical-nosed projectile and the third effect on that of blunt-nosed projectile; the ballistic limit of higher strength targets is higher than that of lower strength ones, target strength has the largest effects on ballistic limit of oval-nosed projectile.


撞击 / 弹体 / 靶体 / 弹道极限

Key words

 impact / projectile / target / ballistic limit


邓云飞?,胡静,崔亚男,何振鹏. 单层金属板对刚性弹体抗撞击特性的影响因素研究[J]. 振动与冲击, 2017, 36(24): 35-43
DENG Yunfei, HU Jing, CUI Yanan, HE Zhenpeng. Influences of target plate and rigid projectile on their anti-impact characteristics#br#[J]. Journal of Vibration and Shock, 2017, 36(24): 35-43


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