
盛涛,1.2.3,李水明2,刘干斌3,侯姗3, 王建超3

振动与冲击 ›› 2017, Vol. 36 ›› Issue (24) : 44-50.

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振动与冲击 ›› 2017, Vol. 36 ›› Issue (24) : 44-50.


  • 盛涛,1.2.3 , 李水明2,刘干斌3,侯姗3, 王建超3
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Tests for subway nearby building's base vibration isolation with sandbag layers

  • SHENG Tao1,2,3 , LI Shuiming2, LIU Ganbin3, HOU Shanshan3 , WANG Jianchao3
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A 3-story RC frame structure near subway was taken as the original type structure, a 1/8-scale model was built to perform tests for its vibration isolation with sandbag layers under subway-induced vertical excitation. The effectiveness of apply sandbag layers to improve vertical vibration comfort of the building floor system was analyzed and predicted. Similarity ratio design and model test results showed that (1) the RC elastic modulus of the scale model and the vertical natural frequency of the building floor system meet the requirements of similarity ratio; the vertical stiffness of sandbag layer is directly related to its geometric sizes, it satisfies the similarity requirements of the base-vibration isolation frequency; so the model tests can reflect the dynamic characteristics of the original type structure and vibration isolation layer; (2) the vertical compression stiffness of sandbag layer is much smaller than the axial compression stiffness of upper structure’s column, so the base vibration isolation layer formed with sandbags can obviously improve the inside comfort of the building near subway, when five-layer sandbags stack up, the 1/3 octave frequency division vibration level of the original type structure was reduced 28dB ultimately; (3) the friction energy dissipation mechanism among sand grains makes the base vibration isolation structure with sandbag layers have a stronger anti-disturbance ability against low-frequency environmental excitations to effectively control the negative effects caused due to subway traffic environment vibrations, so the applicability of the base vibration isolation structure with sandbag layers is much wider.



砂袋垫层 / 地铁 / 竖向隔振 / 舒适度 / 低频振动。

Key words

sandbag layer / subway / vertical vibration isolation / comfort / low frequency vibration


盛涛,1.2.3,李水明2,刘干斌3,侯姗3, 王建超3. 地铁邻近建筑的砂袋垫层基础隔振试验研究[J]. 振动与冲击, 2017, 36(24): 44-50
SHENG Tao1,2,3,LI Shuiming2, LIU Ganbin3, HOU Shanshan3,WANG Jianchao3. Tests for subway nearby building's base vibration isolation with sandbag layers[J]. Journal of Vibration and Shock, 2017, 36(24): 44-50


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